But variety is the spice of life my man.
That's why they play road games.
But variety is the spice of life my man.
Good, no more gold tipped tampon look...
That's why they play road games.
Black on black is a gimmick. We shouldn't need gimmicks. I hate it. Just go and play football. None of this garbage with the uniforms.
Home = Black jerseys, gold pants.
Away = White jerseys, black pants.
End of discussion.
More than two positions in the bedroom, I argue there should be more than 2 uniform choices.
Eddie Crowder disaproves of black on black. I've never liked it. I never will like it. It looks like a high school outfit. It all started when Mac thought the team needed a boost for a game against Nebraska in 1987. We got our asses kicked in that game, but it didn't matter, the black on black kept coming back every year. Guh. It's a gimmick. We don't need gimmicks. I know I said that already, but it bears repeating.
Gold helmet, black jersey, gold pant, black shoes. Perfect balance.
Old hags. Get with the times grampas
How very Oregon Duck-ish of you. Why not have a different uniform for every game while we're at it? So long as we're comparing this to what we can do in the bedroom, hell we could have a different jersey & scheme for both home and away games. Bowl games, practices, spring games, scrimmages, 7-7 drills in the summer...
so road unis should be gold helmet, white jersey, gold pant, white shoes?
Its a toss up IMO
Yeah, those A&M unis are pretty sweet... :smile2:
so road unis should be gold helmet, white jersey, gold pant, white shoes?
can we bring back the giant shoulder pads and make sure our jersey's are cut off just below the breastplate? And make sure that we have pads that loop onto the belt and hang out.
I'm with Sacky. CU tradition suggests black on gold at home except maybe - maybe - for something special. National championship was black on gold. Crowder era was black on gold. Salaam's Heisman - black on gold. Big 8 championships under Mac - black on gold. 100% of all CU all-Americans wore black on gold as their main home uni.
For me, growing up in Colorado, CU was and should be black on gold.
That's barfable. But it does serve to shoot Sacky's theory down.
Black on black only for night games
Congratulations. You've done it. My head just exploded.
No it is not.
Next question.