CSU Husker
Well-Known Member
At least our team can pull out wins every once in a while to give our students a reason to rush.
My team pulled out a win to rush your field as well :lol:
At least our team can pull out wins every once in a while to give our students a reason to rush.
Typical garbage
oh i think they money is there to buy out DII Danny, and it was last year too.
My team pulled out a win to rush your field as well :lol:
My team pulled out a win to rush your field as well :lol:
There's money and there's money. CU does not have the cash the big boys do.
Not saying we have big boy cash, but we have cash to buy out Danny
typical arrogant fusker. Nebraska fans aint as good as they think they are. Does Colorado have issues? Sure, but nu is not even close to being the greatest fans on the planet.
??? Nobody said we were ??? I was just pointing out excuses that are given why we fill our stadium which is way larger in capicity and the exuses given why you don't are retarded. It's simple passion for the team. While I'm sure there are diehard CU fans and most of you guys are....there just isn't enough of them. And I'm far from being an "Arrogant Fusker" fan....I'm very realistic about my 'skers.
We do not have the cash to buy out Danny and pay off the B12 with the stroke of a pen and still have money in reserve for the next coach. That's the difference.
Actually -- between the University and the Foundation - there's definitely enough money there.
Things Nebraska doesn't have that gives them an advantage for having "die hard" fans. You Nebraska trolls really don't have a clue what challenges CU has here.
1. People moving to your state from California, Texas and NEBRASKA on a regular basis. Nebraska doesn't get the people coming from out of state, simply because who the **** wants to live in Nebraska? Colorado has lots of "foreigners" that come and root for their home state team while living in our state. Everybody that lives in Nebraska are Nebraska natives that support the home team.
2. Nebraska is the one and only home team. CU has 2 other division 1 football programs within in hour drive from our campus! 3 D1 schools that you could visit all in 1 day. CU has all major pro sports. NU doesn't have any. This is a bronco state #1. Broncos have always been the hot ticket in town. We have a pro team thats been to 6 super bowls and won 2. Nebraska simply does not have to deal with that.
3. Media support. I've been to Nebraska many times, the media loves the huskers. Here, it's completely opposite. The media wether it be in the paper, TV or radio, completely dogs CU, and that feeds off to the casual fan or anybody else. Even in our glory days we were dogged by the local media.
4. Recreation. I know walking down the irrigation ditch to check the corn might be considered a reacreational activity in Nebraska, but the truth is, Colorado is a big time recreation state. OUtdoors activities are so popular here, it's a lot of peoples passion. In the fall, a lot of people want to go in the mountains to see the changing aspens and fresh snow. Thats another thing Nebraska doesn't have. You guys have the changing cottonwoods and thats about it.
Now, while I would love to have the support NU does, in reality, CU gets pretty good support for the circumstances I mentioned above. We have gone 5 years without a winning season and still nearly sellout the stadium for every game. Hell the Hawai'i game was a near full stadium. I really wonder if NU's sellout streak would have survived if they would have gone 5 years without a winning season.
Things Nebraska doesn't have that gives them an advantage for having "die hard" fans. You Nebraska trolls really don't have a clue what challenges CU has here.
1. People moving to your state from California, Texas and NEBRASKA on a regular basis. Nebraska doesn't get the people coming from out of state, simply because who the **** wants to live in Nebraska? Colorado has lots of "foreigners" that come and root for their home state team while living in our state. Everybody that lives in Nebraska are Nebraska natives that support the home team.
2. Nebraska is the one and only home team. CU has 2 other division 1 football programs within in hour drive from our campus! 3 D1 schools that you could visit all in 1 day. CU has all major pro sports. NU doesn't have any. This is a bronco state #1. Broncos have always been the hot ticket in town. We have a pro team thats been to 6 super bowls and won 2. Nebraska simply does not have to deal with that.
3. Media support. I've been to Nebraska many times, the media loves the huskers. Here, it's completely opposite. The media wether it be in the paper, TV or radio, completely dogs CU, and that feeds off to the casual fan or anybody else. Even in our glory days we were dogged by the local media.
4. Recreation. I know walking down the irrigation ditch to check the corn might be considered a reacreational activity in Nebraska, but the truth is, Colorado is a big time recreation state. OUtdoors activities are so popular here, it's a lot of peoples passion. In the fall, a lot of people want to go in the mountains to see the changing aspens and fresh snow. Thats another thing Nebraska doesn't have. You guys have the changing cottonwoods and thats about it.
Now, while I would love to have the support NU does, in reality, CU gets pretty good support for the circumstances I mentioned above. We have gone 5 years without a winning season and still nearly sellout the stadium for every game. Hell the Hawai'i game was a near full stadium. I really wonder if NU's sellout streak would have survived if they would have gone 5 years without a winning season.
All small factors that could be overcome to get 55k to the games. Sounds like exCUses to me.
Again...all bull****. If that were the case....The Swamp would never sell out. They have more sports and schools in Florida ANNNNNND tourist/leisure activities then Colorado could ever hope....yet...wait!!!! Oh my god! They sell out every game! Wtf...how could that be??????
After 7 weeks, the whole premise of CU and NU talking to each other disappears.
So get those licks in now, because in the not so very future, this board is not going to have to worry about the self-proclaimed best fans any more. It's fitting that the agricultural subsidy Televen-12 get to deal with each other. There's a lot of John Deere tractors, ConAgra grain elevators and Montsanto pesticides from Lincoln to Iowa City, through Minnisota and Wisconsin, and out across Illinois and Indiana.
The Go Big Red bowl between Indiana and Nebraska will be delightful. Wisconsin and Ohio State also will offer a sea of Red at home or away.
It's safe to say Nebraska will fit right in with their new conference buddies. Then they can sort out whether Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State or Nebraska have the biggest stadiums, the richest traditions, the best facilities, and firmest grasp of the commodities market.
They should have lots to talk about.
Meanwhile we have to teach Utah how to take the training wheels off of their new-found BCS legitimacy.
complete dumbass
And you'll fit right in as the Baylor of the Pac-10 buddy![]()
hey dumbass, we do get the people to games, with those factors and they aint small factors pal. You really don't have a clue! How many csu games you been to this year to get that high school stadium half full?
0, but Ive been on some KILLER hikes.
0 seriously? 0???:lol:
You have no business in this thread bud
bull****! Name the last time CU has finished last in a conference? CU will be back. All Pac-10 schools except Oregon have been in our shoes the last 10 years.
Umm....what teams are you better then in the Pac-10 right now? Let's see.....
Washington - nope
USC - nope
Washington State - maybe
Arizona - nope
Oregon - nope
Cal - big NOPE
ASU - actually...I think you take that one
Oregon State - nope
Stanford - nope
UCLA - nope
Please...enlighten me.
Oh here we go with the "We've got nothing better to do". Give me a ****ing break. I live 10 minutes from some of the most beautiful beaches in the U.S. and I'd much rather be sitting my ass in Memorial Stadium on a Saturday then going to the ****ing beach. It has nothing to do with not having pro teams. It's a passion for football and for the Huskers that's it. Excuses are like assholes....they almost always smell like ****. I'd give my right arm to be able to afford to fly back every weekend and make a game. I only made two last year and I live 26 hours from our stadium.
I have this same argument with Florida fans day in and day out because I call them fair weather pussies that all wore FSU and Miami jerseys ten years ago.
"How many home games did you go to last year?"
Response: "None, so, I have things to do"
"Yeah **** off, you live 2 hours from the stadium!"
I never said we were better than any of those.
Hence you will be the Baylor of the Pac-10!!!!
Not for long, I promise you that. Oh Wazzu is the Baylor of the Pac-10. CU is not that bad, actually we are pretty decent at home.