Heh.. fairly close to what I was about to post, minus the death and rape. :lol:
But I admit to being troubled by the post from the guy claiming he was spat upon, had things thrown at him at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln. I would like to have seen those incidents from the beginning, because my guess is there must have been some sort of back and forth junk going on. Even then, it is not excusable for fans to behave that way toward visitors to Lincoln, in or out of the Stadium. Very sorry to hear that those things are going on at all.
Speaking of Memorial Stadium in Lincoln, my wife and I both criticize it for the "packed like sardines" nature of the place when it's full.
I'm from L.A. and I'm used to a the Rose Bowl and the Coliseum, where there is elbow room, plus a bit more in the way of design; Memorial Stadium in Lincoln is just not a good looking place and it has flaws, not the least of which is the afore mentioned spaces in the upper flooring which can cause liquid to rain down on those leaving on the ramps (and the ramps themselves are just about the strangest thing I've seen for a facility that large).
But the beauty of the place is something that most from outside Nebraska may not be able to relate to: it has to do with a deep pride in *the state of Nebraska,* a sort of heartfelt patriotism that I've not seen anywhere else for the state where people live exemplified by the stadium where their football team plays. I've seen pride in the state, but not connected to the stadium and the team so deeply.