Okay, let's move on to #CUin17
I think 16 is the magic # of OL going into spring ball.
That gives a team 3 full lines - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd strins, with a spare part left over in case of an absence. Plus, you split the 16 for the spring game, 8 linemen per side. 5 starters and 3 to work in in various combos or scenarios.
16 or bust for spring. Oops, we only have 15. Shame, shame.
Rivals nationally, Scout on the west coast is my impression.So, Howell's Buffzone.com article interviews Brandon Huffman, Scout's director of scouting. Huffman says our ranking in the Pac has a bit to do with how well the Pac did but thinks we are closing the gap a bit.
BTW, seems like Howell uses Scout for his info. I know little about this stuff. Are Scout and Rivals on par? I thought Rivals was the go to recruiting service? Although their rankings seem pretty comparable.
I hadn't been to Scout in a while either. Typed colorado.scout.com in the address bar which took me right there. Go figure.I hadn't looked at scout in forever. I just checked the site and it's awful. Really hard to navigate and sloppy. I couldn't even find the CU homepage.
I'm not a customer anywhere except here, but Rivals appears to be much more organized and well ran. Adam has been a badass!