Well-Known Member
How are you one of the most rational people on this board right now???????
The end is near. I gotta go find some alcohol and a girl to bang before the comet hits me.
Cause I like to party.
How are you one of the most rational people on this board right now???????
The end is near. I gotta go find some alcohol and a girl to bang before the comet hits me.
Hey buffwings, don't ya just hate women who can't shut the F*** up?
I'm not sure but, some woman on this board has penis envy:lol::lol::lol:
:lol: Dude, my wife was reading over my shoulder, and that's exactly what she just said. She said, "that's why guys dont like talking football with women, they dont know when to STFU"
They just keep it going and going and going....
:lol: Dude, my wife was reading over my shoulder, and that's exactly what she just said. She said, "that's why guys dont like talking football with women, they dont know when to STFU"
They just keep it going and going and going....
Well folks,this ends this chapter.
Having someone obsessed over my penis all day is flattering yet creepy at the same time......VERY creepy.
You hear words like football talk from certain people who there version of football "talk" is coming on the board,lashing out and bitching at anyone who has legit concerns about the coaching staff.
Ask Boulder Buff,he knows all too well.
In the end, CONCERNING FOOTBALL TALK, I'm John Elway, the penis obsessed lady(use the term lightly)is Brad Van pelt. :lol:
your penis is the last i obsess over. to be absolutely clear, you brought up my ass and "penis envy" all by yourself.
as for football knowledge, you have less than bobby boucher's mama. at least you know about the debbil, or so it would seem, being such a whiny vag about the jesus bit.
now get back to thumpin bibles and your own chest, while being oblivious to your own hypocrisy.
Why do you hate making sense?
an unintended consequence. my posts are comprehensible, clear, and sensical to far more posters than the loud squeeky wheels around here want to admit to.
i am unsure where you fell off the bus - comprehension or point of view. nor am i going to worry much about it. trample off now and go back to sticking pins into voodoo dolls of buff fans more stoudt than yourself. :haha:
This sure has been an entertaining week as far as s*** talking and harrasing each other.
I totally avoided even reading any posts in this thread until now. All I can say is :wow:. It starts off with incredibly wacko posts about: "Getting rid of Hawkins," "Fire the staff," yada yada, then ends with penis talk! :lol:
Hey, I'm frustrated too, but come on! Hawkins is the right guy and will get this going in the right direction. As for the "there should be great improvement in year 3" stuff, Mac was 1-10 in year 3! Gawd people, chill out!![]()
i'm quite confident you're a dude.
Ummmmm, no. She may swear like a sailor, but she isn't one. I know from experience dude.
:lol: Someone got owned today, all the positive rep and feedback tells me others have had to deal with this BS.....:thumbsup:
In the end, CONCERNING FOOTBALL TALK, I'm John Elway, the penis obsessed lady(use the term lightly)is Brad Van pelt.
i'm quite confident you're a dude.
I have never been "all over DH's nuts." I was impressed when he beat OU and got the recruiting class, and said the program is heading in the right direction. NOW, there's no proof of that. In fact, quite the opposite. He has brought us more embarassment that Barnett ever did. Montana State; followed by a 2-10 season, barely beating a mediocre EWU team on his 3rd season, ending our 20 yr scoring streak, and getting creamed by Mizzou twice (this year is even worse)!! There is no consistency in any of DH's teams.
First it was 3yrs for a coach to show his true colors, then its 4 yrs or even 5 yrs. NOW you f-in saying its 6 yrs?! That's BS. The Goon has managed to improve his team in one MFing year! Stop licking his balls and hold him and his coaches accountable. He gets paid plenty to be able to take criticism and even get fired when he doesnt produce. CEOs get fired all time when they dont produce even after 2yrs. Fortunately, this time its only a $500K severance pay. If he doesnt get at least 8 wins next year, he needs to go.
I will only be "all over DH's nuts" when he wins the conference and has our team in the top 25 on a consistant basis. Until then, I will continue to bash this coaching staff when they dont produce. I'm sure DH can handle it, he's a big boy. "It's the Big XII, go play intramurals buddy!" Right he is playing intramurals with these kids. I dont think I have to worry about being all over his nuts because I dont believe he will succeed at this level, so you can continue to suck his sac and believe he's a top coach that will bring us back to even respectability, let alone greatness. BUT, the bigger question is what will you do when DH doenst produce in the next couple of years and underwhelms everyone with doing less with more?
He can't handle competing at this level, he and his coaches have no idea what they are doing.
Seriously? People are giving you positive reps for your continued bs? I for one am tired of it.
You sir, are no John Elway. You would be Elton John. I do see how you got the two confused though. :thumbsup:
Can you even read? Way to twist my post. First off, I never said you were on DH's nuts, I said you will be next year. Second, I never said it took three years to show your true colors--I always thought coaches should be given 4 years at a minimum (6 years in our case since our talent cupboard was completely empty). Third, that CEO comment is so flawed I don't even know where to begin--who gives a ****--this is football. Do they fire the CEO three years after the creation of a company?--because that's what this is--Hawkins brought in a whole new brand of Colorado football. So like I said if you're going to piss and moan because we're not beating Mizzou, Texas, Florida, and Kansas, considering where their programs are, then you're a complete moron. And don't give me this I have a right to bitch and moan ****; you do, but that doesn't make you smart--you can still bitch and moan and be a complete idiot.
phuck you and the horse you rode in on. You're the complete douchebag. DH didnt create the football program, he took it over moron. So yes the CEO analogy fits, and yes CEOs get fired after 3 yrs after they take over another company. So YES I expect progress after 3 yrs, I dont give a **** you think it should be 4+yrs. A person who doesnt agree with isnt stupid because it isnt what you want to hear. I dont call other people idots because they dont agree with me, but you POS's sure like to call someone out if their opinions differ.
You brought up DH's nuts, I stated I have been all over them, nor will I ever be "all over them" even though they do seem to be the focus of YOUR attention.
Either way, I dont give a crap what you think you worthless turdbag. Go bother someone else phucker. :finger2:
Best thread in months.