Well-Known Member
I'm telling you my own experience - what I have personally experienced. How in the hell can you say it isn't true?
I'm telling you my own experience - what I have personally experienced. How in the hell can you say it isn't true?
And i ask this ? If provoked why did u not kick the fack out of them ? I understand when your with your father and it involves a group. But I must say this is why it is best I am to far to come to these games. I would so like to lay a whole load of *****e upon fans who take it for more than it should be. It is a football game nothing more. sometimes a good azz whopping is a very good educational tool to let people realize that fact.
Sorry, I wasn't doubting your invididual story... but more the '+1' support and claim that CSU fans are the only ones who get into the game and get riled up about it.
I have seen plenty of trash talking at the games (and sometimes initiated by CU fans) but in my experience the CSU fans have a far larger chip on their shoulder about the game. And win or lose, they're more likely to be poor sports.
Again, just what I've seen.
I have seen plenty of trash talking at the games (and sometimes initiated by CU fans) but in my experience the CSU fans have a far larger chip on their shoulder about the game. And win or lose, they're more likely to be poor sports.
Again, just what I've seen.
You said it yourself, why would you fight (and possibly hurt someone and go to jail) over a football game? Isn't that worse than just talking "*****e".
Me and my 66 year old dad vs. 3-6 drunk CSU students (all male in each case). I don't like those odds.
Funny thing, I'v run into that at invesco games when I've brought my dad...Do CSU fans just have daddy issues? :lol:
Some of us grew up in a era when you only talked "*****e" when you were prepared to throw down.
Some of us grew up in a era when you only talked "*****e" when you were prepared to throw down.
You got people messin with YOU?!?:huh:
ain't that the truth?
there will be blood.
and, i am having a hard time picturing a sheep fan so inebriated that he'd talk sh*t to the elderly or to a former lineman. that's just plain dumb. they deserve the fate of their inferior education.
yeah, The way it usually would start is the crowd would gather around my dad because he's not a backing down type, then mom would roll her eyes and tell me to go get him. I'd wade into the crowd of rams and they'd sheepishly leave, much quieter than when they were talking to dad. I think my winning smile and vivacious personality just takes the fighting mood right out of them.
I think my winning smile and vivacious personality just takes the fighting mood right out of them.
Yep, I'm sure that's what it is...:smile2::thumbsup:
My hatred is reserved for the fuskers and notre dumb. The goats I find merely annoying.
I don't like the "showdown" series for us because there is not much does nothing for us if we win and hurts us badly if we lose. To me it feels like the local media is trying to create a rivalry where there just isn't one.