PhD in Analogy
So, when I read his comments about what his goals are for the program (mediocre at best..."be competitive", "finish in the upper tier of the league" "go to a bowl game" etc.) THAT is supposed to make me think he understands what the standards should be? seem to think that this guy's history is what makes him a good fit for their job, I think it is his outlook and his belief in what this program is supposed to be. If your goals are to improve upon the Fairbanks years (or get us back to the Mallory ones) you are not the guy for this job.
Now, I was excited when Bohn came in, because I thought he was an upgrade over his predecessor. But have you seen how we have done on picking coaches? How is the woman's basketball program doing (one of the jewels of the program for so long)? How is the football team doing?
Now, perhaps you might say he hasn't had enough time (to which I am sympathetic), but then SHOW ME SOMETHING! Show me that we have a standard for performance that must be met. Don't give away contracts that lock us into coaches who have losing records when you ink the deals. C'mon man. How do you judge a guy? Cause he sold cokes at Folsom as a kid or because he says "You have a losing record, you haven't looked good in your first two years, our goals for this program require you to meet a higher standard than this, here's a deal that will pay you a ton if you turn things around, but that allows us to fire you easily if you don't"? One shows a committment to winning, one shows a tolerance for underperformance, lack of improvement and ineptitude.
You needn't question my motives are "RTD". What has Bohn showed you that makes you think he's cognizant of what the standards for the Buffs should be? I see no evidence, and yet you call me (well, all those names). Hawkins is the problem at first. But after that, the A.D. is the guy to blame. If he allows a coiach to hurt the program long enough, what is one to think of his commitment to the long-term health of CU's athletics? Why isn't he saying that this is intolerable and we won't stand for this level of performance?
A guy who "bleeds black and gold" should be showing it. Have I just missed a display of his frustration or an outburst suggesting that the current situation is intolerable? Point it out if I have. I don't live in Boulder anymore, so may miss some of the local news that Isn't online that you may have access to. But even the public comments from Bohn about his standards for the program have me saying "Huh?" His "goals" are the things we should settle for in bad years, not aspire for in good ones. Conference championships should be the goal, and he should say so. Then he should market that to the alums and tell them what they can do to make that a reality. Who wants to buy into the idea of "being competitive" or "going to a bowl"?
OK, you lost me here - women's basketball seriously?? A jewel??? When was their last final four? A non-revenue producing sport is not a jewel. I went to 10x more club hockey games in my time at CU than women's hoops. I don't mean to sound sexist, but I'd go to a volleyball game before I watched women's hoops - they're way hootter and they wear shorter shorts.