Hey 4Dem can you help them out ? :lol:
I REALLY want Matt to add this as an emoticon. :rofl:
Junk & HF - I have my eye on you. This is the kind of thing you'd do.
BTW - it's not me, although I wish I'd thought of it. :lol:
stick with us as long as you want, tuff tiger...you can't go wrong on this board...
I REALLY want Matt to add this as an emoticon. :rofl:
God , please forgive me for linking to a fusker board
fusker fan said:HARD AS WIND.
It*s in yuor facee. Like blows in the front of yuor head. And blowing means fast. Faster than chickens. Do you feel the scratch? That is the wind. Missouri is yuor werst Nightmare. By nightmare I mean WIND! You know how that happens? Grass. It grows from the raIN, sun and WIND.
I like the funny faces.
Wind. Almost as good as the funny faces. Don^t analyze but recognize WIND as power.
Mid-season trades. Trade-winds. Missouri.
Now you know about this. And you know that bannannas make pie.
he is not going wrong on any board. they think he is NUTS, and i think we should keep him! :thumbsup:
tough as rain
tuff tiger -
1st. To get a avatar you need to shell out a nominal amount of $$$. Hopefully it won't send you to the poorfarm. 2nd. We have been waiting for mizzou fans to start posting here, so be carefull and don't paint a bullseye on yourself. 3rd. You should also go to netbuffs and tell them Matt Thompson sent you.
I'm Hugegroove and I approved this message.:saythat:
i am thinking if tiger was going to flame, he woulda already.
welcome to the board tuff. we are the seinfeld of boards.
Did he ever explain the "Tuff as Rain" thing to you guys? Seriously, I don't get it. This is bothering me a lot more than it should be.