Tom Osborne?What title do you give the head Coach of University of North Texas?
What title do you give the head Coach of University of North Texas?
I feel like I posting with my brother's kids.
I feel like I posting with my brother's kids.
Posts like this is why I say you people don't take your football seriously. USA Today published an article over a year ago that showed CNS made almost $6M a year.
Posts like this is why others don't take your people seriously in the business world. Saban reported $6mm in income in 2009 because he erroneously included revenue not income from his campus associated football camp. Needless to say there's a difference between Revenue and Income. Additionally his 2009 compensation was inflated because he got a double year accrual of his retention bonus (which he won't receive anyway until his contract is completed). Backing out those amounts he actually made somewhere in the high 4-handle million. But even that is squishy because as noted, his retention accrual is a non-cash item - Saban actually got paid around $4.4 mm, which will also be the figure the IRS will tax him on.
I don't seriously think Saban would bolt. If he attracts interest from outside, Alabama will just bump him up enough to keep him. Not a problem really. The more interesting dynamic is for those programs that don't have access to TV contract cash windfalls. The price of talent is going to be bid up. Boise could double Chris Peterson's salary and it still might reach only half of what someone else will pay for him.
Wow, Cal fans sure bring interesting, alternative smack :lol:
You will have to expand on the revenue/income concept for me-I am thinking they are the same.
You serious, Clark?
Saban runs the campus associated football camp. That camp brought in almost $900k in revenue. But Saban doesn't run the camp to make money. He pretty much views it as a breakeven thing with other non-monetary benefits. Meeting new talent, etc. And sure enough the camp has about $900k in expenses. Revenue - expenses = Profit (or income). But in 2009 Saban reported the $900k as income. Keep in mind that "reporting" was not to the IRS (which would have triggered $450K in taxes), but merely to the university so it could then in turn report the NCAA, etc. This reporting error is why Saban in 2010 reports to the university/NCAA that his income has fallen to below $5mm per year - it's because it never was at $6 mm.
i sense potential in this thread.
does it help if i clarify as follows: "top-line" revenue and "net" income?
Income is not the same as profit.
i can't help myself. let me try a different approach...
suppose you spend 10 dollars on cotton seeds. and it costs you 3 dollars to harvest your cotton using your cotton gin and whatnot. say further that the carpetbagger who comes around every month offers you 15 dollars for all of said cotton. your REVENUE is 15 bucks. your EXPENSES are 13 bucks. your NET INCOME is 2 bucks. ... which allows you to build a new shanty down by the river so that you have a place to fish for catfish in the hot sun.
does that help?
I misread above-I follow you but that is not what the original post said.
I misread above-I follow you but that is not what the original post said.
dammit. humility.
i thought we might be headed for an epic thread but you've gone and wrecked it.
no HOF potential here.
dammit. humility. i thought we might be headed for an epic thread but you've gone and wrecked it. no HOF potential here.
I jumped to conclusions. Nobody has still taught me the difference between revenue and income yet.
Jesus, I'm an LSU fan and I don't want Saban to leave Bama. He's strictly a business man , and he has no alliance or loyalty to any employer. Texas can certainly pay him more than Bama, and it will be alot easier for him to win in the Big 12. I can hear Longhorn fans bragging already.Great that's all we need is UT becoming a dominate consistent force in college football.
How many years do you get for strangling a UT alum until they shut up?
Might be worth it
I think Saban if he didn't get greedy for the NFL was perfectly fine staying at LSU for the rest of his career. Now that he is settled down at Bama I doubt he will ever leave. The guy will be retiring there