I like your take on it. Season tickets and games sold out. Student section sold out and full. National media attention for the first time in what seems forever.Before the season, I said that four wins with this schedule would be amazing. So by that standard, the season was amazing.
Of course, when you start 3-0, expectations change a little. But the standard is the standard, so I go back to that.
Here's the thing with college football: The highs are never meant to last. Even Alabama fans have diminishing returns on their decade plus at the top.
So it's good to enjoy the highs when they reveal themselves and bask in their pleasure. The lows will always come - it's part of the game.
From that perspective, the high of those first three weeks was unprecedented. I've never been part of something like that as a fan (it was a different thing than the 1990 season). If you measure a season by the high of the highs, then damn, that was a great season.
And then there was the feeling in Folsom this season. It looked different and felt different. The students were out of their ****ing minds.
That was a fun season.
But most of all….. we continued our win streak over Nebraska!