This thread is a great read! There are (up to this point) 68 previous posts all about the Huskers. With most of the posts by Colorado fans.
What's up with that? :doh:
Why would a Buffalo fan care if a QB from Nebraska decides to leave the team to hopefully better his position on another team.
But hey, I'm a Husker fan and I find this quite an amusing to read, so "continue on" Buff fans. Anyone know who is the front runner to take over the starting QB position for the Huskers next season? I want to know so I can tell all of my Husker friends.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Have a Great Spring Season!
First, allow me to sincerely apologize for the post I wrote several months ago in which I accused you of being less than entertaining.
I was wrong! The quote post, above, is beyond entertaining! Great work.
I'm not going to say that this is the most self-righteous post I've ever seen on Allbuffs...I'm going to say it's the most self-righteous post I've seen anywhere...ever!
You've already suffered quite a lot of abuse for your hypocracy as a husker on a CU site accusing CU fans of obsessing over nebraska. It would be pointless for me to heap more abuse on you, but I'm going to anyway.
I believe it was Aristotle who formulated the theory that every object or concept is represented by a "Golden Mean" in heaven. By that, he meant that there is a pinacle of perfection for any one idea or thing, and those ideas and objects here on earth are simply shadows of that Golden Mean. They are only imperfect images of true perfection.
You sir, are Aritstotle's Golden Mean of "Chutzpah". You are the perfect image--nay the very definition of that Yiddish word that says so much...CHUTZPAH!
But there's more to dissect than mere hypocracy and chutzpah.
For instance, for years CU fans have asserted that the Colorado vs. nebraska game meets the standard for a rivalry. However, many of our friends to the North--in a clear strategy to make themselves feel more important--insist that CU is beneath their standard for a rivalry due to the lowly quality of the team's play and the behavior of its fans.
However, since it is the CU fanbase that believes that we have a rivalry with nebraska, it seems only natural that we would devote special attention to that team. So it should be no surprise that one would find the occassional thread devoted to the huskers on a CU fan site.
What you wouldn't expect is to find husker lurkers on that CU fan site. Yet here you are. Even more perplexing--your above post almost seems to exclaim "Ah-ha! You ARE obsessed with nebraska! I told you it was a rivalry!!". It's as if you forgot your husker own party line. It's like you've got fan vertigo! In the husker world, nebraska fans wouldn't visit CU sites. In the husker world there is no rivalry, so it wouldn't make sense to victoriously point out threads that support the notion that there is.
In summary: Thanks for the amusing post. You are a true idot (sic).