Dunno. But when he presses, it's obvious. That 2d INT was pure desperation. He should have taken the sack when the LG and LT let the DE (DT?) in on him unblocked, but instead he threw it up and got knocked out of the game. Horrible play all around. They might be coaching him to ignore down and distance type fears cause it stops him from looking for the right play?Not the worst idea. I am really trying to figure out if it Sefo or the way he is being coached on 3rd and medium or less. He still seems to treat many downs and distances the same. That second fumble was a great example. Is quick release not being stressed enough?
Anyways, at least he didn't throw one of those picks where he stared down a receiver. instead, we had an overthrow (or a wrong route?) and a desperation heave. Progress?
The theme of this year is this team learning every which way you can lose a game.
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