Was CSU's stadium modeled after the Stutler Bowl?
Oh, my bad there is a difference. The Stutler Bowl is on campus.
Isn't stutler a bit bigger, too?
Was CSU's stadium modeled after the Stutler Bowl?
Oh, my bad there is a difference. The Stutler Bowl is on campus.
you guys get excited over a cow running on the field with 6 handlers.... dont lie about what excites you
Was CSU's stadium modeled after the Stutler Bowl?
Oh, my bad there is a difference. The Stutler Bowl is on campus.
I was at a game at CU's last apperance at Hughes. There were definately dirt parking lots back then. If the CU-CSU game were to go back to FoCo, I'd make a point to return and see the urban development that sprang up around the old cow pasture.
The best part of my Hughes stadium experience was the "pass out." We got tickets to exit at half time. It was fun marching back to the tailgates with half the fan base and recharging the buzz with an other few beers, and then staggering back to the seats.
actually very similar to the sun bowl(yes I know you continue to try to degrade CSU, but ive heard it all, I have plenty of CU grads in my family)
"It's not some drive out to some distant satellite location with dirt parking lots."... i guess yo uhavent been to a CSU gm,.. the stadium is a 5min drive if that from campus)... "Strolling to the sink".. i feel like im going to hit my head every time I go there.. no thanks. "CU's stadium is intimate."... well, you are right on top of the field I guess.. but from the visitor section you have to turn your head 90deg to the right, it sucks... Hughes has great views from everywhere.... good post though.
That video was great up until the point where Dan Hawkins showed up. Every time that jackass opens his mouth I get pissed off.
CSU has beer in the stadium. That's pretty sweet.
Still? I thought they stopped selling a few years back. That's why games in Hawaii were awesome - they were touted as the last college stadium to sell beer (and way too tart margaritas)
Colorado State University in Fort Collins, like several schools, permits sales only up to halftime. It also limits beer to only 3.2% alcohol by volume. The university, which has sold beer in Hughes Stadium for more than 30 years, halted beer sales in the stadium in 2004 and appointed a task force to curb alcohol abuse in the wake of two alcohol-fueled riots near campus and a student's death from alcohol poisoning. The task force determined that rowdy behavior at tailgate parties outside the stadium was more of a problem than drinking inside. The university resumed sales in 2005.
Problems have erupted in the past. The University of Colorado at Boulder, citing violence linked to drunken fans, banned beer sales in 1996 in all areas of Folsom Field except luxury suites and club seats.
I still usually cant justify paying $6+ for a 3.2 beer, but its nice to have the option.
CSU has beer in the stadium. That's pretty sweet.
I attended CU's last apperance at Hughes. There were definately dirt parking lots back then. If the CU-CSU game were to go back to FoCo, I'd make a point to return and see the urban development that sprang up around the old cow pasture.
The best part of my Hughes stadium experience was the "pass out." We got tickets to exit at half time. It was fun marching back to the tailgates with half the fan base and recharging the buzz with an other few beers, and then staggering back to the seats.
You can do that at Folsom, too. :lol:
you have a cow, we have a sheep.. its not much different, they are both domesticated animals(versions of the real thing)... this is an oooold argument
what else does CU do thats different then everyone?
I love the stadium and the enviromment.. right up against the hills and horsetooth. on campus becomes a cluster f u c k if you ask me... I dont think CSU(or CU or AF) will ever get to 75,000 fans... the distance from denver limits alums for some reason, and it is probably a big factor in not getting people there... I bet if CU was in FC and CSU was in Boulder, CSU would have 15000 more fans a game, and CU would have 15,000 less.
I'm sure its fun and all, but the people in that picture look like the last group of people that I'd want to watch with. How many times would they tell you to be quiet if you were cheering a good play?
Ya. God bless the Gold Lot!