Unleash Hell
Well-Known Member
I stopped reading after this line. The fact that you don't know that Utah won at home gives little credence to the rest of your post.
You must be proud:thumbsup:
I stopped reading after this line. The fact that you don't know that Utah won at home gives little credence to the rest of your post.
You must be proud:thumbsup:
It's my question, I can name as many teams as I please. I'm not talking playoff, although I think the idea has merit, I'm pointing out that there are at least three teams (each from a power conference) that would beat Utah like a red headed step child, JMO.
Even if we exclude Utah from the argument (which to me is like throwing out Cinderella and all the attention that goes with it) you still list three teams, not two. So irregardless of your feelings about Utah I think you can agree that we should institute a playoff to some degree. I think if we can get to a playoff, in any form, it would be a break through. The bracket can then be expanded in the future as is needed; à la the NCAA BB tournament.
I stopped reading after this word. The fact that you don't know that is not a word gives little credence to the rest of your post.
So irregardless of your feelings about Utah I think you can agree that we should institute a playoff to some degree.
Now to fix clean up your other post for you:
Not a real word.
edit: oops, I read your post before I saw abs response. It's still not a word.
just sayin'.
It is a word, though it is not proper. There is a difference between an incorrect fact and nonstandard english.
What's it mean? How is "irregardless" any different in meaning from "regardless"?
Not a word.
I never said they were different and it doesn't have to be. Why don't you just look it up.
Out of curiosity, how did you predict the Utah vs. Bama game?
They beat the Pac10 #2, the SEC #2 in the deep south, Doubled up a the number 14 team in the country in a rivalry game, and beat the #12 team in TCU. I thin they could have finished 3rd in any of the leagues mentioned above.
I didn't make a prediction, but when I sat down to watch I fully expected a 'Bama thumping of the Utes.
As I said before, I came away with a real respect for the Utes. They are a very good team and probably a top 5-ish squad this year. But the best team in CFB, not a chance.
They beat 'Bama fair and square. Congrats to them.
My point is that you expected Bama to thump the utes just like you would expect that usc, flaaaaarida, and ou would.
The next time I read a Dick Riley article will be right after Jessica Alba is done cleaning my balls with her tongue and ****ed him.
You really want her to clean your balls with her tounge after she ****s him? ewwwww.![]()
I may be wrong, but the cleaning would be done before Mr. Reilly is involved, if my reading skills are up to par.:wow:
Not to threadjack, but did anyone watch 'Rock Of Love - Bus Tour' with Brett Michaels? Of the 20 starting contestants, one of them (the skankiest one) wanted to 'sing' a rap song she wrote to him-- then proceeded to unfold the lyrics, which happened to be written on a borchure about genital herpes. Freaking hilarious.
And I love the Brazillian girl. She reminds me of the one actress on SNL that did the skit of Dianna Ross in jail in a way, but is still my fav so far.
A train wreck of a show-- but that is what makes it so fun. We all know that Brett is just using this to promote himself and to fool around with a bunch of girls, but the hope that each one has that he will love them forever is just too funny not to watch.
Now back to the regularly scheduled Rick bashing.....:smile2:
Not so fast, Turbo. That show is insane. On the first day, that Brazilian chick drank so much tequila she was puking at like noon and then Bret comes home after his photo shoot or whatever and she walks out of the bathroom and walks right up to him and begins a full blown makeout session while all the other girls cringe hahahaha that was sick!!
Also, one of the girls is a Penthouse Pet and she has told the camera confessional thing multiple times how annoyed she is at all the slutty women on the show hahahaha, you're a ****ing penthouse pet..you're just as much of a whore, you just get paid for it!!
I know. It is awesome. Hairmetal still living the dream. My wife and I just laugh so hard at the show---I made her day when I told here that there would be a RoL3 show.:thumbsup:
Also, one of the girls is a Penthouse Pet and she has told the camera confessional thing multiple times how annoyed she is at all the slutty women on the show hahahaha, you're a ****ing penthouse pet..you're just as much of a whore, you just get paid for it!!
Not so fast, Turbo. That show is insane. On the first day, that Brazilian chick drank so much tequila she was puking at like noon and then Bret comes home after his photo shoot or whatever and she walks out of the bathroom and walks right up to him and begins a full blown makeout session while all the other girls cringe hahahaha that was sick!!
Also, one of the girls is a Penthouse Pet and she has told the camera confessional thing multiple times how annoyed she is at all the slutty women on the show hahahaha, you're a ****ing penthouse pet..you're just as much of a whore, you just get paid for it!!
Isn't that kind of the idea of being a whore in the first place? That you get paid for it?