There are few blessings being a Colorado refugee living in Texas.
Sure there is work and money...if you want Texas money, you gotta spend Texas time...
One signifiant blessing is that the Nebraska contengency down in this hell hole is hardly noticible.
I can not recall the last time I came accross a Nebraska fan while going about my business. Sure I've seen a few red N'S on the back of cars and I've seen some kneebraska licence plates on occation. And I was annoyed to be close to their vehicles. I might have flipped them off or thought about slicing their tires or hurling a piss bomb in their general direction due to flashbacks from that last Hawkins era husker game in Boulder.
Do you want to know what sets me off more than the Huskers down here? Chuck Fairbanks Chevrolet. This car dealership raises my blood pressure even more than some McRibb university ****sucker.
If ever there is something that sets me off, it will be some car with a Chuck Fairbanks decal AND a Baylor/Uterus emblem. I will need a bailbondsman should this combo ever materialize in front of me in traffic. **** me drowning. I'm pissed just typing this.
Back from taking heart meds.
I have not seen any cornholio flags in my neighborhood. I have seen no husker apparel in my grocery store. Those fuskers are rare in my circles. If they are in DFW, it might be in those trailor parks down by the river.
There are lots of asshole fanbases representing lots of ****** schools on DFW. And Nebraska isn't even in the top 10. I am confronted daily by UT, A&M, and OU dooshbags. I confront a weekly dose of TCU, SMU, Okie Lite and Baylor ****suckery. And on a montly basis, there is going to be an LSU, Arkansas, and Texas Tech altercation.
During football season, there will be yahoos with Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas and Ohio State colors and attitudes. Jerry World and the various DFW bowl games have attracted some ****** Penn State and BYU fans, who mill around like a bunch of retards.
But there is a blissful absence of Cornhuskers around here. You lucky bastards in Colorado have it pretty good in my opinion. I'd gladly trade a 1000% increase in Husker encounters for a 20% reduction in this infuriating AGGIE-LONGHORN-OU circle jerk and steaming pile of Baylor excrement. Go ahead and ship some of those Colorado based Husker dipshits down to Dallas, and I'll send some B12-2+1+1-2 and A&M garbage up your way in a fleet of Chevy Suburbans with Texas plates and chuck Fairbanks dealership emblems.