Mick Ronson
Well-Known Member
more chairbacks, less benches.
good point about making the CEC visible both on campus and from 36/28th.
good point about making the CEC visible both on campus and from 36/28th.
One thing they might really consider putting toward the top of the list is getting some LIGHTS around the CEC on game night. It's hard to know when a game is on, for students who might drop in. It's hard for people to SEE as they're walking up to the place, and there's just no excitement. Shine big lights on the place 2 hours before game time - men, women, and volleyball, of course - and make it very visible from 36. Hell, add an always-on billboard for commuters to see who's coming to town. Otherwise the outside is fine with me. (Except that they suck at selling cash tickets, but that's logistics, nothing to do with a facelift.)
On the inside, the top 2 items on my list would be much better scoreboards and seat-backs. I can't think of anything else it needs badly, other than the practice facilities. Maybe better accommodations for cameras & media?
I wonder if that is part of the plan when they do the practice facility. The more I look at the CEC, the more I think they need to tear the building part down and building a nicer and bigger structure that matches architecturally with the rest of campus. Some nice flagstone building with huge glass windows and a red tile room. Hell they can build it around the existing CEC and then tear the roof and walls down.
According to the pics at the recruiting luncheon, it looks like the entire front entrance to the CEC is going to be new - more windows, ticket windows outside, etc. That still doesn't help the other entrances though. I often come from the Darkhorse before the games & agree that its ridiculous how dark & uninviting the CEC looks from the south/east.
In that photo of the CEC... it almost looks like the mountains were photoshopped in, doesn't it??
yeah, pretty funky looking picture. here is a rendering of the new practice facility.
This is probably going to piss people off, but I think a big reason for the lack of exterior lights is Boulder law. We've got "lighting pollution" regulations that restrict the sale of certain types of exterior lights within city limits and you're not allowed to put them on your home or business. Maybe the university could get an exception, but I believe this would be the big hurdle to making that happen.
seriously? they couldn't be any worse than the monstrosities they put up on the west side of folsom this past fall.
seriously? they couldn't be any worse than the monstrosities they put up on the west side of folsom this past fall.
It may not apply just like the building height restrictions don't totally apply since it's state property. But the west side lights were the source of a lot of editorial complaints in the BDC. And the new building on campus did waste over a million bucks iirc for a plan revision to reach a compromise on Boulder building height restrictions.
CU may have the option to forget about being a good neighbor and do whatever the hell it wants, but I know for certain that Boulder residents would go nuts if there were carnival-like spotlights shooting into the sky for every CECC event.
boulder people are wimps. they organized and campaigned against the austin based whole foods to protect local alfalfas and wild oats. 6 months later all the boulderites were overpaying to shop at whole foods.
FYI: Whole Foods is going to sell at least its Arapahoe/Broadway and Baseline (formerly Alfalfa's but empty) locations to locals because they're not doing that well. The old Alfalfa's space is probably going to be taken over by Lucky's Market. Unsure on the Arapahoe, but I believe it's going to be a new independent by one of the Wild Oats founders.
huh. that's interesting. Lucky's is a California chain, no? that baseline location was never an alf's but was wild oats/crystal market.
I think you're right on the Baseline. Bear with me. Heavily medicated with a cold right now. :lol:
I didn't know that Luck's was a CA chain. The article I read in the BDC said local ownership by Lucky's. Probably a local entrepreneur who has Lucky's franchise rights? Or I mis-remembered (which may be more likely).
The other one I'm curious about is Ideal Marketplace. For all intents and purposes, it's a Whole Foods. But it's too small of a footprint to ever be a big performer in the Whole Foods chain. Anyond know whether WF owns Ideal or if it's just a strategic alliance with Ideal carrying WF brands?
Also please look at 1) Willvillle (4 story limit? AHAHAHA) and 2) the artificial turf fields RIGHT BY the CEC. Nope, this is on the school.