Now lets look at CSU/CU. Until the mighty Buffs prove they don't belong on the field with the CSU's of the college football world, I would think there would be some form of evidence of that notion...sorry winning by 3 points doesn't suffice.
Pay attention to my next post here...because I am going to break it down for you to why CU should win...and what to expect from CSU.
Yes, it was a close one, between two somewhat disappointing teams last year (though one considerably more than the other).
However, it's another W. How many "Dubs" is gonna take before you're willing to admit that it's an uneven match? I'm asking, seriously. Just tell us what it's gonna take for you to let the "parity" and "rivalry" arguments go. Ten in a row? It's going to be a while, but it'll at least allow us to know what we're up against.
And please frame your answers in terms of "wins" and "losses" and not points. That means nothing to me.
I believe that football teams experience cycles, and CSU definitely enjoyed an "up" cycle in the late 90s. And fortunately for CSU, it coincided with the beginning of a "down" cycle at CU. And CSU will certainly have more ups and CU more downs. But if you look at the history of the series, the "cycles" don't exactly favor CSU over time. That's fine--you don't need my permission--but you obviously have every right to root passionately for your team, and you shouldn't have to be embarrassed or discouraged by being on the wrong side of a win/loss record. But I don't get where you get your sense of empowerment to to tell this fanbase "what's up" regarding our teams and this series.
When you guys had won, something like four out of the last six early in the decade, I could see it. But now? Look at the big picture, sunshine.
Seriously, what's it going to take? We just need a measuring stick so we know what to aim for. When will you let it go?
Finally, I'm awaiting your breakdown at rapt attention.
EDIT: And I think, in this place and time, it's perfectly appropriate to compare CSU to a AA program. After all, the last time CSU beat CU, an AA program did too. So you met that standard...congrats.
Look, if I'm wrong, and if CU doesn't beat CSU this season, I'll come back and, in a post addressed to you, declare myself to be an Asshole.