Weak as usual. **** Nebraska, **** you, **** your mother, and **** you grandmother. Really. Shoo bitch.
I'm thinking you need to lay off the sauce. Your showing to all that you are a quality CU Buffalo fan.
Weak as usual. **** Nebraska, **** you, **** your mother, and **** you grandmother. Really. Shoo bitch.
I'm thinking you need to lay off the sauce. Your showing to all that you are a quality CU Buffalo fan.
I'm thinking you need to lay off the sauce. Your showing to all that you are a quality CU Buffalo fan.
Wow....Nice neg rep, boob slice.......
Well deserved!
Nah, it was more anecdotal. You know, how TM's dad helped manage his QB's after Nebraska paid for his kid...whatelse, oh yeah, how he screwed with that young serviceman (Navy? I forget) about having him call a play...hmmm...oh the spittle flying tirades on the sideline....and him brother taking out a cameraman...lying to recruits about coaching changes....mishandling media relations.... That's about it.
In the last month, that is.
**** Nebraska. Actually, not **** Nebraska, with his actions, you're going to need all the help you can get. No need to be in the "know".
'Surveyor, still waitin'. All I can hear is:
'Surveyor, it's been a couple of days now, where did you go? You were so brave. Now, so sad.
I'm thinking you need to lay off the sauce. Your showing to all that you are a quality CU Buffalo fan.
z buff said:this place drives me nuts, (pre madonas, ugh), but I mostly keep it to myself
Really, you neg rep me? You sorry bitch. I expect no less from someone like you.
Lay off the sauce? That's it? Very impressive. I made the comments days ago about how embarrassing Bo has been to your program. You ran.
You addressed none of it, cause it's all true. You pretended it never happened, but it did. The guy is a nightmare for your program, and you're too weak to support the program. You can't defend it cause deep down you know Pellini is mistake, just like Osbourne knows. so instead you say "lay off the sauce"? Cut and run again. Disappear again. Run to your next conference. Do something that makes you look like a real fan.
Yea, I read it. Wasn't worth a response. Coach Pelini (note the correct spelling) will fine as a coach at Nebraska or where ever life takes him.
Yea, I read it. Wasn't worth a response. Coach Pelini (note the correct spelling) will fine as a coach at Nebraska or where ever life takes him.
I do apologize for the incorrect spelling. Doesn't change the character of the man or the character of your response. It is worth a response because it all actually happened. You're still running, which doesn't surprise me. Your denial doesn't make it go away. Is that last line an acknowledgement that NU wants him gone? You neg repped two responses in a row. Way to lash out in a childlike way instead of actually trying to answer the post. I expect no more from you. There are Nebraska fans who post on this site. You are not one of them.
Your welcome. Once again it's all well deserved.
I'm not going anywhere.
Can't wait for football season to start for some real discussion.
No longer worth wasting time and effort with you...
The one thing we can agree on. LOL!
This HAS to be intentional, right??? :wow: :lol: :rofl:
Hey Bigred, I do have another question.....why the **** are you and Surveyor still here? We don't play you clowns anymore. Go brag to Michigan or OSU about your tradition because no one here gives a ****. Can you answer THIS question?
Anymore your english sucks.
piss off wally.
Can't wait for football season to start for some real discussion.
Those Husker fans are just closest CU fans...why would they be here?
Look, we all make grammar and spelling mistakes. Do we only call them out on those with whom we're experiencing a tiff? Yes. In my opinion it's lame.
The Evil Beak stirs the pot sometimes, but he's an informed football fan, and often the points he makes are legitimate. He's gone on the record as saying that CU fans aren't violent tire slashers and gives us props when they're due.
Of the idot husker dooshes that seem to find our site (seriously, I suspect there are good nebraska fans out there--why don't they visit?) he's the most credible in my opinion. Mark is a nice guy and BS used to be. Kamel is a dickhead, but we know what we're getting with him. And BRI is...well, BRI is BRI and somebody has to be, so we can thank him for that.
Anyway, **** nebraska, and as I've said before, there are so many legitimate reasons to poke fun of that ****hole state, maybe we should take it easy on the grammar/spelling jabs.
to dumb indeed.Poor Daaah...still hurting over being to dumb to get the initial Princess Bride references and taking stuff as a threat.