I was born and raised in Omaha and moved about 45 minutes east into Iowa on a farm when I was 16. I'm a little bit of both.
whats that: boring and dull :smile2:
I was born and raised in Omaha and moved about 45 minutes east into Iowa on a farm when I was 16. I'm a little bit of both.
Hey good one 3rd grade called they want their putdown back. You better bring it better than that trailer trash.
It's "Ioweegan" :smile2:
I was born and raised in Omaha and moved about 45 minutes east into Iowa on a farm when I was 16. I'm a little bit of both.
It's "Ioweegan" :smile2:
I was born and raised in Omaha and moved about 45 minutes east into Iowa on a farm when I was 16.
I know the area of which you speak. My wife and her entire family is from Atlantic, IA. I've been there several times.
A little northwest of Atlantic....by Harlan. Lived outside a small lil' town called Dunlap...that's where I went to HS.
I have friends in Atlantic
I've driven through Dunlap a few times on my way to see the in laws in Carroll.
haha you're not missing much. Just a bunch of farmers.
Small world bro
Have you eaten at Cronk's in Dennison? We were there a couple of weeks for Sunday breakfast buffet. Damn good stuff.
Go through Dunlap and Carroll several times a week on a locomotive. Everybody waves until we stop and block a crossing, then I look down and see their sad little faces and I laugh. I guess I'm kind of cold hearted that way though. :smile2:
It still cracks me up that so many posters here have a connection to Iowa. My dad is from LeMars-good ice cream, but not a whole lot else.
And I hear ya on that "supper" thing highflyer.:smile2:
I've come to the conclusion that if all the people from Iowa had actually stayed in Iowa, it would be the most populated state in the union. Iowanesians are every where, attempting to infect us normals with the word supper.
I've come to the conclusion that if all the people from Iowa had actually stayed in Iowa, it would be the most populated state in the union. Iowanesians are every where, attempting to infect us normals with the word supper.
What bugs me is when they say "worsh" as in "I'm going to go worsh my hands before supper".
What bugs me is when they say "worsh" as in "I'm going to go worsh my hands before supper".
Watch dirt Burglar, I married an Iowanesian.
oh that one is original too.... :lol:
maybe you should have your wife come in here and type one for you.... oh wait cloven hooves dont work so well on keyboards do they now?? :wink2:
What bugs me is when they say "worsh" as in "I'm going to go worsh my hands before supper".
Imagine my surprise when I found out that you and lady were hitched. All this time I thought you were brother and sister considering you both are loud mouthed egotiscal dirtbags. I guess you could be brother and sister though considering they let that kind of thing go on down in Oklahoma. What's that??? You can't understand english.................here I think I can find the inbred spell checker on my computer to type it out so you can understand. "Woo wee I merriad me sistr..........shee es sew perty!" :thumbsup:
I've lived here my whole life minus the 3 months we lived in Denver and I don't think I've ever said worsh??? It's always been wash to me??? :lol:
I know you've said supper though. You supper lover.
i love me some supper
What bugs me is when they say "worsh" as in "I'm going to go worsh my hands before supper".
My mom and dad say Worsh, worshington,worshers, and crick, however he is a native of Colorado and my mom is a native of Oregon.
Down here in Texas everything is first started with fixin as in..."I am "fixin" to go to the store". Another is coke. Every soda down here is coke. Don't want to forget "yall" too.