Exactly. I have no sympathy for rapists. They should all be thrown in a deep, dark hole. BUT, there should be another hole right next to them for women who falsely accuse somebody of rape. Rape is an awful, terrible crime. And even the mere thought that a person has committed rape is enough to brand him for life. To be falsely accused of rape is a life sentence all on it's own. What Hnida did is implicate an entire football team, knowing it would get publicity.
If she really was raped, she needed to say who it was and when it happened. Then put that person on trial and convict him. That's how it is supposed to work.
I'm not going to call her a whore, but she is an attention grabbing opportunist who has no shame and doesn't care who she hurts to get what she wants. In this case, apparently all she wanted was to get back at the CU football team for treating her poorly. The real shame in all this is that she managed to convince Rick Reilly, who went from being a respected sports columnist to 2nd rate hack overnight.
Great Point ! ! !:thumbsup: