I couldn't find the ones where Al Gore = Kiffen, but I did find the ones where Kiffen = dog poop.
Exhibit A:
Selection of predictive equations for ME in pet foods1
Factorial methods
Atwater factors (2) ME (kcal) (4 g protein) (9 g fat) (4
g NFE)
Modified Atwater
factors (4)
ME (kcal) (3.5 g protein) (8.5 g fat)
(3.5 g NFE)
Interactive methods
By gross energy (6) ME (kcal) GE (kcal/g) 1.209–1.911
By fiber (8) Dog food:
Step 1: Determine GE by bomb calorimetry
[or calculate GE kcal (5.73 g protein)
(9.08 g fat) 4.06 (g NFE g
Step 2: Percentage energy digestibility 91.2
(1.43 percentage crude fiber in dry
Step 3: ME (GE percentage digestibility/
100) (1.04 g protein)
Cat food:
Step 1: Determine GE by bomb calorimetry
[or calculate GE kcal (5.73 g protein)
(9.08 g fat) 4.06 (g NFE g
Step 2: Percentage energy digestibility 87.9
(0.88 percentage crude fiber in dry
Step 3: ME (GE percentage digestibility/
100) (0.74 g protein)
1 GE, gross energy or heat of combustion; ME, metabolizable energy; NFE, nitrogen-free extract = Lane Kiffen.
I see... the differential quantum kilojoules EQUALS Lane Kiffin is a zero vector oblique asymptote...
OBTW..... when did Tennessee add the "P" to the women's escort group known as the Orange Riders?