Perhaps we misinterpreted your first post, but it seemed to imply that you thought we were making up the "Sal is Dead " stuff. If that's not what you meant, than our apologies.
I again got to see prairie fire's post through a quote.
prairie fire, you may question the number of people on my ignore list and suggest that it doesn't take much to land there--however, I'm in a position to actually know.
I just checked, there are exactly to names on that list: prairie fire and unleash heck. Two, that is all (nor did I edit it to achieve that result, it was like that when I found it).
I'm by no means sensitive, and I value discourse. In fact I value it so much, I choose not to indulge those that would undermine dialogue by not only failing to contribute to it, but actually detracting from it.
I don't only seek out those who share my viewpoint--in fact, I look for those who don't. But I don't typcically spend time on individuals who would rather just stir the pot (unless they're funny or clever) than contribute in some manner.
That's what it takes to be on my "ignore list". At some point, I obviously put you in the "nothing to contribute" category.
Again, ignore list population two. Just two.
Finally, please return and read again your initial post on this thread. I concede that you acknowledged your belief the offensive slogan surfaced at a basketball game; however, if you didnt intend to question the truthfullness of the sign(s) in the freeway, than there's a significant disconnect between your thoughts and your ability to express them in writing--I don't see any other manner in which to interpret that post.