Who in their right mind from Colorado would willingly go to Stinkin or Odorha unless they had to. Nebraskans come to Colorado on vacation in droves. You know vacation, that thing people do to get away from their boring everyday life and see and do things interesting and different. Nebraska has enough that is different but very little that is interesting thus the hoards that come to Colorado when they get a chance to escape.
The two unfortunate parts of all this are 1) You can take the REDneck out of nebraska but you can't take the degenerative effects of nebraska out of the REDneck, so they come here and buy crap that reminds them of the only thing in the state worth remembering. and 2) Unfortunately a lot of them, once they have escaped, will do anything they can not to have to go back so they stay, but again they are still ingrained with the one thing of note in the entire state and continue to identify their ignorance by wearing, flying, eating off, etc. junk from China with nebraska emblems all over it.