I'm posting it everywhere, I might as well post it here too. Te'o is gay. This was his beard for his parents. The dude that ran the account is probably his actual boyfriend. When the parents got pushy and wanted to meet her they faked her death. Then the parents started blabbing to the media about all the tragedy their son has had to deal with. At some point Te'o had to just go along with it or come clean, but coming clean would be coming out as gay at Notre Dame, about to enter the NFL, with hardcore Mormon parents. He's 22. That's a lot of weight to carry, so he just went along with it. Now he's proper ****ed.
Was my initial theory as well. We will see.
I see 96 is having fun again :lol:
Remember when Chip Kelly left Oregon? Me neither.
So what you're saying is: Chip Kelly was his boyfriend, and they faked his death so he could get out of Oregon unnoticed? I'm confused.
Assuming for a second ND and T´eo are right and he´s the victim of a prank, which I find next to impossible to believe, don´t you think the guys behind this are gonna come out with a tell-all interview fairly soon? I can someone rewarding them fairly handsomely for this.
Lennay Kekua was a Stanford student and Cardinal football fan when the two exchanged glances, handshakes and phone numbers that fateful weekend three seasons ago.
She was gifted in music, multi-lingual, had dreams grounded in reality and the talent to catch up to them.
The plan was for Kekua to spend extensive time with the whole Te'o family when upwards of 40 of them came to South Bend in mid-November for ND's Senior Day date with Wake Forest.
"They started out as just friends," Brian Te'o said. "Every once in a while, she would travel to Hawaii, and that happened to be the time Manti was home, so he would meet with her there. But within the last year, they became a couple.