OK ... let's see. Here's what else I can think of:
- Jesse was asked about educating fans who don't know much about volleyball (like Mark

) and he said they plan to do chalk talks before a couple of matches. Also said he will look into more things like providing cheat sheets of terms etc.
- They will be experimenting with line-ups, doing 6-2, modified 6-2, some 5-1, especially in the early matches.
- Gabby's broken finger (from diving for a ball in a spring scrimmage) is all healed and she is ready to go.
- Jesse is really impressed with the level of talent on the team
- Players are still mad about not getting an NCAA invite last season and they don't plan to be in that position again.
- A must have for playing a fast offense is good passing on the first contact, whether that is serve receive or a dig of the opponents kill attempt. Jesse is pleased with the play of the 4 libero / defensive players. I take that to mean returning players CeCe Simpson, Gwen Herring, Gabby Carta-Samuels and FR Rachel Wipple.
- The Black / Gold scrimmage on 8/20 will be played as regular games. There will be some mixing up of players but it will be done in regular game format, not drills.