Again, a clinic on how not to handle a crisis.Just wait for the Tumpkin trial to begin in a month. The timing of the HCMM contract announcement and the potential release of the investigation summary all coming out at the same time has the potential to be a media feeding frenzy. That has some potential to be a huge buzzkill just in time for pre-season football hype.
Imagine if CU came out and said: We expect our employees to maintain the high standards of conduct our University requires. Mr. Tumpkin failed to do so and is no longer an employee. We are concerned about the allegations and the alleged victim's welfare. We have the utmost faith in the high integrity of our University employees as a whole and the Ath. Dept. in particular.
Then when the Tumpkin trial is going, CU can have this in the rearview mirror and say, the Courts will administer the resolution of the matter. But no, CU is going to continue the long streak of mismanaging its public relations.