The Butch Jones situation scares me. Food cart is probably out the door and Tennesseee is exactly the kind of program, with big $$ and a proud tradition which has sucked for too long, that comes looking for a guy like Mac. Tennessee is a hot mess but I have no doubt Mac and his turn around skills could fix them and make them competitive.
I also get the feeling that Mac is still a little pissed at the CU administration for reprimanding him and making him pay a pretty stiff fine (wasn't it $100K+) for his lack of psychic ability to see into the private lives of his assistant coaches.
I got a feeling Mac will be gone before next season.
Please let him pillage their staff!Nubs have hired the Wazzu AD
Mullen.Leach to Nebraska?
Leach to Mullen? Look out Valor!Mullen.
Leach to Nebraska?
..and those would come from the urbane niblets....Leach with that fan base? Half of his quips would be met with a resounding and unanimous "Huh?".
Leach to Nebraska?
Feldman is definitely higher on the asu job than most but interesting speculation that they might go after Sumlin to try and get ahead of everything at A&M.
My dad referred to that as the two handed wish list. Me: I would love a puppy for Christmas. Dad: Go check you two handed wish list.
Maybe Bohn should trust his gut and go with his second choice everytime.Man did CU dodge a bullet with this guy.
I really think he may be HaLk's illegitimate half brother....Man did CU dodge a bullet with this guy.
What did it say?
Dude can still move. Pretty impressive actually.
Lol badass.
Dude can still move. Pretty impressive actually.
OK, that's pretty cool.
Lol badass.
Scott Frost and the Nubs![]()
Don't know if it would pan out or not, but I'm guessing one of his key selling points would be that he built up connections with Florida high schools during this time at UCF and he could leverage that into getting some of those Florida kids to Lincoln.They as usual dream of returning to the "Glory days," Frost will be the popular choice.
He may be a very good coach but their problem isn't coaching. It is the fact that Nebraska can no longer attract high numbers of the best athletes to play in Stinkoln. The Texas kids, Cali kids, Midwest kids don't see a kNU offer as something special. They also can no longer gain an advantage through chemistry. They got in on the front end of the steroid revolution turning 220lb kids into 290lb monsters on the lines. Now that is regulated and other schools are better at using and hiding it than the corn are.