Well-Known Member
True that about "special" teams play. It's been sporadic at best.
I don't "troll" (as you put it) other opposing teams boards. I do go outside the box and read other boards to see differing points of view for perspective. Do you?
I only post on this board. Been a paying member here for a long time. Longer than many. Will probably drop off once the home v home series with CU is over. 3 more games left. Actually I hope the series is not extended. It will be fun, but there are other teams I want to see the Huskers to play for a change. Oklahoma, USC, Florida State, Kentucky, Utah and Missouri come to mind. I would like to see the Huskers play Colorado State so I can see their new stadium.
Kentucky beat you for a recruit this week, and your fan base has spent the better part of a week accusing them of bribing that recruit-Tell me why they'd want to play you?