Shame to see Higgins' and probably Burks' (I pause for a quick prayer: DEAR LORD PLEASE GIVE US AN NBA LOCKOUT!! Either that or convince Alec he needs one more year) final year going this way.
Saying that, do you guys think Burks should go or play one more year? I guess, if he were my son and the NBA guys told my son he'd be a lottery pick for sure, I'd honestly have to tell him, "Son, you can make millions any time. But this will be your last chance for college. Give CU one more year."
Yep, thats what I'd tell my son.
Lots of things about this game that we should feel awful about, but here's the awfulest: The 2 or 3 posssessions at the very end of the game, where we really needed a bucket, there's one guy dribbling and 4 others standing around. Not setting picks, not rotating, not doing anything. Just hanging around the 3 point arc waiting for a pass & shoot. That's bad coaching. Reminds me of Patton teams.
And the painful part was that they actually were doing much better with motion and guys moving without the ball in the first half. Then in the second half it was right back to the 1 guy dribbling, 4 guys watching offense that absolutely kills them all the time. Very frustrating...![]()
This isn't a terrible loss - at least it was an away game against the Great South Division (cough cough). And their coach is obviously the greatest coach in the history of basketball. All of their championships, all of those 5-star blue-chippers lined up against li'l ol' us. It's not like their halftime adjustments paid off or anything that demonstrated great coaching versus ours.
Sarcasm noted, but honestly if I heard before the game that we would lose by 4 at Bailer, I would have been disappointed, but not pissed like I was about the loss to OU, who truly sucks. What pisses me off about this one is that Bailer spent the first 20 minutes begging, pleading and groveling to be blown out of the gym. And while we were up by 14 at half, it could easily have been 20+. And then they completely fell apart in the second half...