CU kickers 4 (XP's) and (0-3 on FG's)
OSU kickers 3 (XP's) + 2 (2 of 3 FG's)
....You do the math...
Call me lazy but next time you do the math or else "No list for you" :smile2:
Unleash Hell... 4- 82 OSU
14ers4me...27 to 24
4Dem...20 to 38 OSU
66Buff...41 to 35
96 Buff Buff win (a lot +1)
bch9...28 to 29 OSU
Bornabuff...38 to 31
Boulder Buff...28 to 37 OSU
broncos1... 52 to 13 OSU
Buff4bcs1985...31 to 24
buffs04...21 to 42 OSU
Buffsfan09...36 to 35
BuffSurveyor...10 to 44 OSU
Buffsyko...17 to 45 OSU
buffwings...17 to 35 OSU
buffwoman526...36 to 24
Carolinabuff...14 to 38 OSU
Chipwich... Buffs win
Cornh8er...41 to 39??
CU827...28 to 24
CUBuff80...21 to 20
Daah...38 to DNF
DallasBuff...24 to 21
DukeCityBuff...Buffs Lose
GoBuffs08...21 to 49 OSU
Hugegroove...31 to 30
Huskermark07...10 to 52 OSU
IDBUFF...14 to 31 OSU
InTheBuff...35 to 32 or 21 to 38 OSU
IowaBuffFan...35 to 21
Jimmy...17 to 38 OSU
Jlang...13 to 63 OSU
Junction...42 to 38
Liver...16 to 12
Lt.Col.FrankSlade....21 to 52 OSU
Manley...14 to 35 OSU
Matt...13 to 42 OSU
Mick Ronson... 24 to 36 OSU
MrFrumpylane...31 to 26
NMBuff...14 to 13
NW Buff...14 to Mid 40s OSU
Phatmack...35 to 52 OSU
Pissbomber...34 to 31
pokefan...31 to 45 OSU
Ralphiemalph...13 to 7 / 13 to 38
RedDirtBuff....31 to 30
Rraalph 3000...24 to 17
Sackman...7 to 48 OSU
SailorCowboy...7 to 56 OSU
Skidmark...56 to 20
SkiTownUSA...21 to 34 OSU
SliderNcider... 27 to 45 OSU
Snakey...14 to 24 OSU
SnowBuff...34 to 31
Spacemanspiff...27 to 23
Sparkybuffs...38 to 42 OSU
Superior...77 to 3
Swish...31 to 30
theeric...0 to 100 OSU
Unionbuff...35 to 27
Waylon Van Smack...9 to 98 OSU