Kudos to Scott and team on this. I'm actually sort of excited to see what it is going to look like, and getting me excited about a new conference logo is a pretty impressive feat.
maybe we can get CU to learn a few things from them.
Kudos to Scott and team on this. I'm actually sort of excited to see what it is going to look like, and getting me excited about a new conference logo is a pretty impressive feat.
The sooner we can start sporting the Pac 12 logo and ditch the Big 12, the better. The stank of texas is upon us, and we must cleanse ourselves.
It was definitely hardest to get people to put on the Stanford stuff. Those who showed up last basically got stuck with it, others had choices and chose other schools that they maybe had some other allegiance to. I was actually wearing an ASU hoodie that day (life long Sun Devils fan, my dad played there back in the day) so it was no problem for me to put the jersey on. I actually sent a photo of me in the jersey to my parents and they got a kick out of it.
CU Bookstore's Twitter says: Pac 12 Coming Soon...does that mean CU gear with the Pac-12 are coming soon instead of waiting until July 1st?
What's the first sport that will be run with the pac-12? Anyone know?
saweeet. now put it in CU colors! also, technorific presesntation. :lol:
that is not me. i'm an asu football player in the video.
final placeholder was definitely an ugly one. 'furd
They didn't have anybody dressed up in one of our killer ski team uniforms. Hey, we're national champions! Let's have some respect!
According to the Salt Lake City Trib, Utah's Pac-12 gear goes on sale July 1st and I believe that will be the same date CU's Pac-12 gear goes on sale.
I'm not buying any discounted CU Big 12 gear...that stuff can become third world country toilet paper.
According to the Salt Lake City Trib, Utah's Pac-12 gear goes on sale July 1st and I believe that will be the same date CU's Pac-12 gear goes on sale.
I'm not buying any discounted CU Big 12 gear...that stuff can just go to a third world country.
Like the losing team superbowl hats.