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Penn Rape students in the crowd to ESPN.
Uh wut?
Penn Rape students in the crowd to ESPN.
Penn State... Penn Rape? Get it?Uh wut?
Penn State... Penn Rape? Get it?
PrevailandRide Thujone Von Thujone
More like "PENN RAPE."
I don't think so, but considering that JoePa was Penn St, I just don't see how there's a way he didn't know what was going on, especially in regards to his employees/ex-employees in the building (Sandusky). IMO, Joe knew enough of what was going on and didn't do what should have been done. And by not doing what should have been done, more children were hurt. Inexcusable.So I haven't been following this story all that closely, but what I have read has said that there isn't confirmation that he knew what the specifics of the inappropriate conduct were, and that he acted at the very least "minimally appropriately" by reporting the incident to his AD. The primary grievance I've read is that he didn't do more, based on the assumption that he knew more than he says he knew.
The question I have is this: Have the reports of the situation that I've read just been incredibly watered down, or what?
**** u Moses lol jk.Racist!
I'm so waiting for Howard STern's Captain Janks to prank call ESPN tonight.
Give the PSU students a break because nobody has as much experience at rioting as the people of LA.
Im disappointed I wanna see some black and whites turned over, trash cans on fire, looting, something lol.
Penn St Rb Silas Redd just tweeted that he is heading to the riot.
http://NOPE/#!/CFBLIVElink or gtfo
Sounds as though students are knocking down light posts which is a start, but they need to start burning stuff!
I think all of the players should their burn cars.
I think all of the players should burn cars.
They should march to Sandusky's house and burn it to the ground!!! He's the reason why PSU is in this situation.
How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste
Ashton Kutcher
have they cancelled two and half men yet?
How do you fire Jo Pa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste
Ashton Kutcher
The man had a great coaching career, shame that it had to end this way. We still don't know all the facts.
The man had a great coaching career, shame that it had to end this way. We still don't know all the facts.