Not worth discussing this further, but you really are not understanding why we're having trouble attracting the talent we need. I look forward to posts this Fall when we're 8-4 and you worrying that we might need to turn a bowl bid down.
I understand clearly why CU has trouble bringing talent in. You do not. Lets get big picture here....
In no particular order
1. There is no recruiting hotbed within 500 miles of boulder Co. (Biggest and unsolvable problem)
2. The surrounding community cares more about the Broncos
3. CU Boulder does have a stigma of not being black folk friendly in some circles.
4. The Big 12 brought legitimacy to the all the schools that make up the B!2 south - which basically dried up the Texas pipeline
5. The rise of USC, Oregon, and now UCLA - Which is basically drying up the california pipeline.
6. The rise of the SEC which has made it difficult to pull good players from that region.
7. We haven't even talked about the lasting effects of the recruiting scandal
8. Facilities are not competitive
9. Admissions can be tough
10. CU is not a traditional power
The Buffs biggest problem, BB et al, is that there is no ready made recruiting area nearby. Look at rivals. The star system drops to 2 stars around the 9th player. In Ohio, they're just starting with the 4 star guys around 9. I live in Ohio and all these kids grow up wanting to be Buckeyes. And now you have guys that are going to grow up wanting to be Bearcats (that Woelk article where Cincinnati isn't in a super league is hilarious) Can you say the same about the Denver guys and CU?
Winning and facilities help (and Nike --cough Oregon). But if you have to spend a lot of resources convincing guys to come to your school, it's going to be tough to stay consistent. And with that comes reaching for players that probably wouldn't make it otherwise.
And hey if they go 8-4 and there's not a long M.A.S.H unit on the sidelines, they can go forth and enjoy themselves. But if it's too the point where you'd think of sneaking Darian Hagan into uniform because the injury bug has hit and the season looks bleak....chill out and enjoy the holidays....