Just wanted to mention it looks like, per the below, #ForeverBuffs Sage Hurta and Sara Vaughn are entered to race in the Sir Walter Raleigh mile in Raleigh, NC. tomorrow (Friday) evening. Looks like the woman's race is schedule to begin at 7:15 PM MT (9:15 PM Raleigh time).
Note- race can only be viewed by anyone who has a premium RunnerSpace +PLUS
A page with more info on the event festivities which also lists the mile fields - https://sirwaltermiler.com/2021finalfield/
Live results - http://resultsrrtiming.com/2021SWM/
Note- race can only be viewed by anyone who has a premium RunnerSpace +PLUS
A page with more info on the event festivities which also lists the mile fields - https://sirwaltermiler.com/2021finalfield/
Live results - http://resultsrrtiming.com/2021SWM/