Club Member
Easy solution to that - borrowing from CU urban legend history....
So my old man is a '70 CU grad. He told me a story of during his time there, back in the day when we played the Zoomies, the Zoomies were coming to Boulder for a game. Of course due to the Vietnam War, there was definitely no love lost between Air Force cadets and Boulder students.
Anyway, some Zoomies hatch a scheme to steal Ralphie before the game as a prank. They had learned that Ralphie was a female and was always heavily sedated to allow easier handling by the Handlers. So they think "easy day, we'll use our Zoomie training for a night op, sneak up to the corral and lead the sleepy buffalo away from her home."
Little did the Zoomies know that CU had its own counterintelligence unit that had learned of the dastardly scheme. To turn the tables, Ralphie was taken to a secret location for the evening before the game, and in her place at her normal sleeping place - sat an angry, unsedated, male buffalo waiting for the unsuspecting Zoomies to arrive.
Well, they did, and I'll leave the rest to your imagination. Picture that video of the woman filming the buffalo in Yellowstone...
Again, this is definitely from the annals of CU Urban Legend Lore - but might be a good tactic against some industrious 'Huskers if Ralphie were to ever travel to Lincoln.
Is this story from the Chronicles of the Ron Navy? As far as I'm concerned, anything uttered from that man's mouth is hand-to-God FACT; and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise! I would be more than happy to donate the angry, unsedated, male buffalo from my family's ranch for any future counterintelligence operations. However, we're gonna need a much bigger and reinforced trailer because Ralphie's current trailer could never hope to contain on of those Bulls when they're angry... and they are ALWAYS angry!