Just made my way to the facebook petition to kick them off the team/expel them. One CSU student says tune in to Channel 9 for more news on the situation @ 5 pm..... CSU student replies, "What channel is channel 9?":rofl:
Just made my way to the facebook petition to kick them off the team/expel them. One CSU student says tune in to Channel 9 for more news on the situation @ 5 pm..... CSU student replies, "What channel is channel 9?":rofl:
All three charged with disorderly conduct. Should be 6 fulmer cup points.
Just made my way to the facebook petition to kick them off the team/expel them. One CSU student says tune in to Channel 9 for more news on the situation @ 5 pm..... CSU student replies, "What channel is channel 9?":rofl:
Wow. This is absurd and keeps getting worse.Now the players have been caught with suspected anabolic steroids, marijuana masking kit, and marijuana. Along with lying to the popo. They have to be gone:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]I am not condoning it, but the fact that the Coloradoan included the drugs[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Posted by: cc dtf 2012 on Fri Apr 27 2012 11:11:11 AM[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Message:in their report is irresponsible and has nothing to do with the
incident whatsoever. It is just a scare tactic to bad mouth the
football program and Colorado State in general. They should be
They aren't ready for big boy football.Oh man I love ramnation
Sounds like the victim may have provoked it more than previously thought, so I can see charging him with misdemeanor disorderly conduct, but the players should have been charged with assault.
I love how the report says he tackled Orakpo. Maybe Coach Sparkles should sign him.
One of my favorite parts as well. 225 pounds according to CSU. Seems perfectly logical that he could have been tackled by a guy that looks to be 150.
You mean to tell me the goats are 'roided up and they still suck that bad? They can't even win the Mtn. Weenie Div. when they are on PED's? That's sad.Now the players have been caught with suspected anabolic steroids, marijuana masking kit, and marijuana. Along with lying to the popo. They have to be gone:
CSU is on the wrong side of the train tracks, and a little sign aint gonna change that.For your amusement:
[/URL] You mean to tell me the goats are 'roided up and they still suck that bad? They can't even win the Mtn. Weenie Div. when they are on PED's? That's sad.[/QUOTE]You"]http://www.coloradoan.com/article/20120426/UPDATES01/120426015/Police-CSU-football-players-lied-about-being-involved-fight?odyssey=tab|topnews|img|FRONTPAGE
One of my favorite parts as well. 225 pounds according to CSU. Seems perfectly logical that he could have been tackled by a guy that looks to be 150.
Everything will be blamed on Fairchild and the former AD.
Whatever punishment that is instituted, will be spun as "what was needed to clean up the progam"
Sparkles will come out of this smelling like a rose
The most confusing thing is the same charge for the victim (Gocha). If he got the same as the players, I wonder what the player's injuries looked like after the fight:rolling_eyes: :sigh:
I can't blame them. We would blame Hawkins for anything and everything. Hell if I was them I would blame Hawkins.
Maybe I missed this, I kinda scanned the articles. Isn't lying to the police a chargeable offense as well? And I'm assuming none of them had a prescrip for marijuana, so where's the charge there (I'm leaving out the question about steroid charges until after lab results are back on those "vials of clear liquid")?
For your amusement:
Talked to my sister who lives in FC the other day and she said she's gonna put one of the "SOS Hughes" signs in her yard and that alot of people in FC are against this new stadium idea.
Who wants a white elephant in the middle of town. They are talking about a 40,000 seat stadium, most of the time the don't draw more than 20,000. Over the years they have used every excuse. A new stadium isn't going to magically double their attendance or make them worth watching.
I will believe it when I see it anyways. They have plans to spend $200 million on a stadium, they have reportedly less than $3 million of that so far. I would love to see the legislature ban them from indebting the university to build the thing. It looks like another sheep fantasy to me.
yopu bring up an excellent point. lets say it is fantasy, what happens to that small but obnoxious group of hard core ram believers? Is a failure to build the stadium a dealbreaker for them? does that small amount of loud support fall away as CSU slides into FCS oblivion? Building a stadium is an ambitious goal. Not building it could be crippling to their future in major college(sure, I'll give the MWC a pass) football. I'm not sure which would be the bigger disaster for CSU.