Are those leaves on the curb by that hooligan's hips, or is that where BCS painted the pavement?
Poor BCS. :lol:
Are those leaves on the curb by that hooligan's hips, or is that where BCS painted the pavement?
Are those leaves on the curb by that hooligan's hips, or is that where BCS painted the pavement?
HAH. must be an old lady thing. When I was walking through looking for Ralphie, some old lady CU fan, refused to high five me, as I was walking through. She gave me a look that would have curdled buttermilk. Most CU fans commented on my HUGE UGA cup I had.
Side note,
I was behind John Elway coming into the ticket gates. He continued to the club level while I had to go to my seats. His new wife is really hot in person!
you were wearing that thing on the outside???
So I am thinking I can see Buffalo Scotts arm in the side of Billdawgs photo, and Buffaloscott is holding the camera out at arms length taking the picture.
you were wearing that thing on the outside???
So I am thinking I can see Buffalo Scotts arm in the side of Billdawgs photo, and Buffaloscott is holding the camera out at arms length taking the picture.
That would have been really cool, but you're clearly not cut out to be a private detective. I am. Check out exhibits a and b with two bystanders in different positions in each pic.
I think you have the wrong guy circled in pink. But the tree have changed position. I am thinking that he took several pictures, but look at the arm holding the camera-- it is on the white line. Then look at the picture from the camera, and it is looking right down the white line. So either two different people stood in the exact same spot within 15 seconds of each other and took two different photos-- or that is our guy taking the shot. One of several is my guess. I still think it is the same person as posted here. I contend that only the guy walking over to the sidewalk to get a better view (or to hear what is going on) has really changed position. The other two guys have not. As a private detective you fail.:smile2:
The trajectory of the photographer, which captured the hooligan above the right shoulder blade and passed through his neck (according to the Nobel prize winner), supposedly would have had to change course to pass through the Boulder PD's rib cage and wrist. In the Zapruder film the hooligan appears to move backwards in the last, poster's shot. Claims have been made that suggest his head jerks forward and then backwards.
The theory is that the Georgia fan was not the lone shooter on the grassy knoll.