Well-Known Member
The real CU fans will support the new coach no matter who he is. To the CU fans that don't fit that category: GET LOST
I can only hope that your sarcasm font is not working. If not, screw you.
The real CU fans will support the new coach no matter who he is. To the CU fans that don't fit that category: GET LOST
If the search committee is anything like the last search (Neinas), it'll get the list down to ~5 candidates that are interested in CU and then it's Bohn's decision. If Calhoun makes the 5, and if Bohn really is set on him like the rumors seem to imply, then I'm guessing that's the direction Bohn goes.
I'm just hoping Bohn goes into this process with an open mind and no favorites before really evaluating the candidates.
If there is any chance that Calhoun will decline, we better run away right now. The last thing we need is to be turned down by a mid-major coach who we are likely above anyways. That's when stuff starts spiraling down, and everyone that you offer starts turning you down (see Oregon's basketball coach search this year).
If there is any chance that Calhoun will decline, we better run away right now. The last thing we need is to be turned down by a mid-major coach who we are likely above anyways. That's when stuff starts spiraling down, and everyone that you offer starts turning you down (see Oregon's basketball coach search this year).
Fortunately, Colorado has a good fall back coach who has previously won a national championship for the school.
The real CU fans will support the new coach no matter who he is. To the CU fans that don't fit that category: GET LOST
I wonder how many previous NC HCs that are 70 and under would have to campaign for the job back?
Larry Coker?
Who else?
CU's situation is significantly different from most in that McCartney RETIRED from coaching. He was never fired by CU.
so far I'm not enjoying this ride very much...We will see. There will be other rumors that pop up in the next 2 weeks and they will be just that, rumors. This process is going to play out with some thinking they have the scoop and most will be wrong. I am enjoying the process but I am not going to get upset yet. Being upset once the hire is made is completely different though than saying I will not support a coach and hope for the best once it is done. Hopefully we all do not have to go there. Enjoy the ride until we know.
Whether this is ALL originating from a few guys on a message board or not, it's still rumors. Just like it was a rumor that Bohn was targeting Calhoun last year had Hawk been fired. All rumor and speculation.. I don't necessarily buy into all of it, but I would again emphasize that I want this to be a real search and an open search. IF Calhoun is the guy after that, fine. But I don't want Bohn going into this "search" pretty much knowing that Calhoun is his man if Calhoun will accept.here's the thing,
What rumors? Two guys on a message board who hate mike bohn and have a clear bent to get a glory-days hire? yeah they wouldn't put out complete bull-**** just to further their own agenda.
If there is any chance that Calhoun will decline, we better run away right now. The last thing we need is to be turned down by a mid-major coach who we are likely above anyways......
But I don't want Bohn going into this "search" pretty much knowing that Calhoun is his man if Calhoun will accept.
Absolutely agree. That's been his MO for just about all his hires (at least from what I've been able to follow), and this is not a hire we can afford to mess up with a preselected Bohn favorite.Not suggesting it will be Calhoun.....but this sounds like all the other Bohn searches to me, sadly.
Whether this is ALL originating from a few guys on a message board or not, it's still rumors. Just like it was a rumor that Bohn was targeting Calhoun last year had Hawk been fired. All rumor and speculation.. I don't necessarily buy into all of it, but I would again emphasize that I want this to be a real search and an open search. IF Calhoun is the guy after that, fine. But I don't want Bohn going into this "search" pretty much knowing that Calhoun is his man if Calhoun will accept.
Really? Look at MB's track record. He's done exactly this with Bz and Hawk. When Mike sees a guy he likes, he seems to get some kind of tunnel vision. When Hawk was hired, I think he gave one token interview to Embree, just to say he did. With Bz, it was clear this was the guy MB wanted from the very start.and, yet, said posters would have us all believe that the committee has zeroed in on calhoun without even fully exploring the interests of the named candidates above.
this is ridiculous.
Really? Look at MB's track record. He's done exactly this with Bz and Hawk. When Mike sees a guy he likes, he seems to get some kind of tunnel vision.
I hope I'm wrong.
no, you aren't wrong, which is why the disinformation campaign "smells" like it has some truth in it. but, i think bohn likes boulder and his job far more than he likes any particular candidate. if he lone-rangers another hire and it doesn't work out, then he is toast for sure. on the other hand, if he selects a "consensus" pick that most of the constituencies, both on and off the committee, are supporting, then he might survive even if the hire doesn't work out.
of course, maybe i am applying too much logic. but, i don't think bohn is dumb and i think he wants to stay in boulder and he wants to make a great hire.
he wants to make a great hire.
Same here.Wanting a great hire is not the same as making a great hire. Hence the panic here. The losses over the last five years have left too many scars.
I for one want to believe he is conducting a thorough search and the right person for the job will be hired.
The last thing I'll say about this is it seems like this hire would really alienate a lot of the donors and boosters we still have for the program with this hire. I think at this point with our finances the way they are you have to get a hire that people are excited about i.e. Mac and EB in some coaching role. How can Bohn continue to expect us to support the program if you don't give the people what they want?
Last year he was targeting McElwain, not Calhoun. As for this rumor, I'm not worried about it. Don't see it happening. If it does, I'll be shocked, kinda pissed, kinda sick, and full of more low expectations.
I feel sick to my stomach.