How many hours a week do football players "work?" How much in debt are they when they graduate? They also get room, board, and free tutoring.
so? they are not your daughter. her experience is not the measuring stick that needs to be held to each and every experience. the student athletes work their ASSES off. they just get to enjoy the ride, as well. any smart kid at cu enjoys the ride while working their ass off.
The athletes I happen to know are very smart. Not saying all of them are - I got that point - but the ones I know are bright and motivated. They would have gone to college without the sport.
i also feel it is a disservice making a blanket statement that scholarship athletes would not "make it" to college in any form. needs based schollies and pell grants are not unheard of if it is the family finances standing in the way, and there are places to study which do not leave you with 50k in debt.