Here's today's south scoreboard progress report. There are ironworkers doing their thing inside and on top of the framework. While it's not visible in the pictures, there's been quite a bit of welding going on this morning/afternoon. I would imagine they're working on reinforcing the old support structure to accommodate the new hotness. Also, as expected, the new vertical support I mentioned yesterday now has a partner on the east side. I don't have a picture of it but I spotted it on the bus as I was coming in this morning. It also looks like they're going to remove the centermost flagpoles. I would imagine they'll be reattached later though.

I'm going to go for a walk later and take a look. I'm also going to see if I get a peek at the north end.

Drove by and they had some big steel frames laying down by the South endzone.
I'm going to go for a walk later and take a look. I'm also going to see if I get a peek at the north end.