I fail to see the fascination with NFL'ers. Here is who I can remember coming from NFL to CFB:
Wannstedt-about to be fired
Groh-saved his bacon this year, many wanted him fired
Dorrell-likely to be fired
Carroll-success poster boy
Weis-started out well, turned in worst ND team in memory, many want him fired
Brewster-failed miserably in first year
Cam Cameron-canned at IU
Looking at it the other way around CFB guys who went pro:
Saban-crash and burn
Granny Holtz-ditto
Mike Riley-ditto
Dennis the Menace-ditto
Cam Cameron-probably will be canned at Miami securiing the difficult NFL-CFB firing exacta.
I can't think of anybody who successfully spanned the NFL to college, or college to NFL bridge except Carroll (Brookhart at Akron, maybe, but I am not sure he came from the NFL). Of course, he has about 10-15 first to third rounders on his roster every year which helps.
Can any of you guys name somebody else? I think Aggie made a move that is well, Aggielike. I think it is bound to fail. Somebody convince me otherwise.