I thought the tidbit on Anthony Wright lining up at WR was actually the most interesting part of the article. Scout lists him as 6'1" with 4.5 speed with the ability to play receiver. Very interesting considering out depth at DB right now...
agreed. Why didn't someone think of that last winter so he could have practiced there all spring?
I'm trying man, I really am but these people keep pushing it back and ringo thinks he just uncovered some great news and it's nothing.
Hawk has been talking like simmons is going to be at practice tomorrow for the last month.
Seriously, I doubt he's there tomorrow either. OOps, broke my word.:huh:
Let's assume he practices tomorrow.
For those who have very high expectations of Simmons this year and expect him to contribute significantly:
*Have your high expectations dampered a bit with him coming in even later than first thought?
Dude. Butthusker fans start at the bottom of the nob. Any Buff fan can call you *ucks whatever they want.
Lawsy-sakes, Elvira-Fusker!
You'd be whining if it was reported he ran a 4.45 forty, wondering why his time wasn't 4.39!!!
Go back to Fusker's Illuminated where you can brag about that BIG NIGHT in Grand Island, with that sophomore cheerleader who "resembled" Rosie O'Donut! ("resembled" as in "dead ringer for", that is!)
wtf is he talking about?
wtf is he talking about?
I don't expect him to contribute much in the CSU game at this point. A little more for the Miami, Wyo and WVU games, and then expect him to probably be equal to everyone after that save Simas and McNight. Should be a very solid number three for us. IF things go that way I am pleased, and I hold out hope that he and Simas will be the Number 1 and 1a WRs for CU this year. My concern is if he can get on the same page with Cody as far as Cody getting the ball to him while he is moving toward the goal line. If the WR's have to keep settling down while facing the WB, catching the ball and then turing to run----well, that **** kills the yards after catch. If Cody can start hitting WRs while they are at full speed then things can be much, much better. And quite honestly, I am not sure if the WRs bedding down to catch a pass had more to do with Cody, or if it had to do with the WRs not being able to catch while running. WR has not been a strength the last couple of years.
I am not going to debate this. We have an ignore function for a reason. I've told you, LilBunky, and everyone else posting on this forum what needs to happen, and what will happen.
You have kamel on your ignore list? You are missing some funny posts.
At some point very early on he proved himself a worthless troll. I don't miss it.
Well ****. There goes my whole day. Thanks a lot zbuff.
I thought we had something special.
**** It. It's just to much to take right now. Goodbye Zbuff. Goodbye Allbuffs.
It's been a good 26 years.
sweet. may husker nation follow in your footsteps. :lol:**** It. It's just to much to take right now. Goodbye Zbuff. Goodbye Allbuffs.
It's been a good 26 years.
I'd rep that if I thought Kamel didn't really off himself.:smile2:
Asshole! I've lived through last minute surgery and now you've pissed me off so I'm going Murder/Suicide on yo ass!
Goodbye cruel world! (again)
**** his nebraska fan spawning mother, she failed miserably in raising her child. :wink2:Just leave his mom out of it. That ***t gets him really pissed off.
Just leave his mom out of it. That ***t gets him really pissed off.
on his mom.... that might have been the hardest 2.50 a male gigolo ever earned.
crisis averted!
Before going over to slider, we have a report from 14er, who is on the scene at the NCAA headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. Hello, 14er. What are NCAA officials willing to say about this protracted cluster****?