Club Member
There are no positives with CU football.
The team sucks, Hawkins suck, the facilities suck, the AD sucks, the assistant coaches suck, the recruits suck, the fans suck, the administration sucks, etc., etc. It's amazing that any recruit would consider signing at CU, any assistant coach would want to work at CU, and any player would want to stay at CU instead of transferring because all CU has going for it is the mountains and its mascots.
Some of you should make something like this your signature. That way, you could save yourself hours this offseason posting variations on this theme multiple times in every thread. Instead, just reply with "see below" and we'll know what you mean.
You should put fairy dust and unicorns as your avatar. WHEN dan hawkins gives the fans something to be positive about with this team, it will change. If you want to get all warm and fuzzy everytime the coaches speak and tell how great they think we'll be, have at it. If you want to hope everything will turn around that's fine with me. We need both lines of thinking.
For your posts, just put Hawk and CU will get it turned around and just bump this every year.