Responsibility is the task, or the job itself. For the case of Coach Leavitt, the entire defense is his responsibility.
Authority refers to the resources and oversight to do the job.
Accountability is the stand tall and face the music aspect of the job. No excuses.
Responsibility and accountability can never be transferred. Not ever.
However, new responsibilities and accountabilities can be created.
So Coach Leavitt creates a new responsibility and accountability for Crawley to know the playbook, his role in the playbook. Coach gives him the authorities to do his job and holds him accountable. Just because Coach Leavitt holds Crawley accountable, does not mean he himself is NOT accountable. He is. He can't give that accountability away. Ever.
So if Crawley fails to look back, you bet that he's accountable for his failure. And he must be held accountable. But it's still on Coach Leavitt, because he's accountable for the defense. So he doesn't get a pass. Not one. Either does the Head Coach.
And here's how it works in its proper execution.
Example one. DBs play a great game and the press tries to give credit to Coach Leavitt. Coach Leavitt responds and says, "those guys played lights out tonight. KC was really doing a great job of looking back in stride and fighting the ball to make make a play."
Example two. Crawley looks like **** and, even though he's in position, he repeatedly fails to make a play. The press (or HCMM) ask Coach Leavitt what happened, Coach Leavitt says, "That's on me. Period."
Accountability can never be transferred. But new accountability can be created.
Good write up, thank you.
At the end of the day, the coaches will always be held responsible and accountable for the results on the field; I completely agree with that.
However, is there a point at which the responsibilities and accountabilities that were created for the player, become heavier than the responsibility and accountability at the top? Essentially, at what point can we say that the coaches had them 100% prepared to succeed, but the player/s failed to do their job when it mattered?