Ignoring the 100 year flood plane issue for a moment. The real reason they will not build it down there is that it would destroy my tailgating lot.
they could also build a giant retaining wall on that hill north of Dal Ward, back fill it, and build on top of that. That way it would just be an extension of Dal Ward. Build an indoor field instead of the bubble. Use the three outdoor fields when it is nice out... like it almost always is and then just go inside when its bad. Put a track inside and we could sell it as a multi purpose facility. That much dirt though would cost a fortune I am sure
Agree, that is my tailgate lot as well. Wouldn't think of building on it and "we love the Ho Chi Mihn Trail"
Do you think before you type this **** out?
I like your humor. I'm not sold on Derek Dooley, but he's young.wow that is amazing, but they had to do it in response to our practice bubble. they had no choice.
What difference does it make whether it's the athletic department or the department of housing? All of East Campus is in the 100 year floodplain. All of the family housing is in the 100-year floodplain. I really don't see the difference. In fact, if they really cared, they'd move some of that housing OUT of the 100-year floodplain and replace it with athletic facilities that aren't used as somebodys home.
You like Tennessee? That's a good school. Not at the academic level of Ole Miss but they have an outstanding science department. You know what they're famous for? They work with the FBI, to study the effects of soil on decomposing body parts. When they find a body, the police wanna know how long it's been dead. So the fine folks at Tennessee help them out. Oh, they have lots of body parts. Arms and legs and hands, from hospitals and medical schools. And do you know where they store 'em? Right underneath the football field. So while it's fine and dandy to have 100,000 fans cheering for you, the bodies you should be worried about are the ones right under the turf. Set to poke up through the ground and grab you... Well, it's your decision where you wanna play ball. Don't let me influence you.
see iowa state...