News Junkie

So obviously, when Nebraska and Missouri elect to join the Big 12, Texas has no choice but to leave for the more competitive and richer pastures of the SEC, right?
"If two teams come out of the Big 12, I don't think it changes our world that much," Texas athletic director DeLoss Dodds told the Dallas Morning News.
He also added: "I can't speak for anybody but Texas. Our position is that we love the conference, we like what it's done for us. We want to continue to be a part of it and want it to continue to be strong. Money is an issue. The TV contracts are an issue. I think the Big Ten is way ahead of us in tradition and years and TV money. I think that's the reason some people are looking at that [conference] in a favorable way."
So the next question becomes, if three teams leave the Big 12--a real possibility with Colorado and the Pac-10 flirting alongside the Big Ten, Missouri and Nebraska--does that change Texas' world enough to move elsewhere?
Colorado, while far from a death blow to the Big 12, would force the conference to add another team like Utah, BYU or Houston. Commissioner Dan Beebe doesn't sound like TCU or SMU, schools within the conference's current footprint, are anything more than emergency options for expansion.
"I'm not sure how much any other institution in the states where we already have schools would add," Beebe told a Kansas City radio station last week. "I think we captured the markets in those states. If it's just a numbers deal, then maybe we add institutions in states where we already have schools. But other than that, I do think we have to look at expanded area to figure out if there is ability to add more value with markets that we haven't in the past had."
If it waits too long, a team like Boise State, which adds little beyond football anyway, might already be a member of the Pac-10 or Mountain West Conference.
But Dodds' comments quell the hysteria surrounding the idea that Nebraska and Missouri's exit from the Big 12 ensures Texas'.