:lol: not empathetic to the back and horth hollerin of his childhood fave team? ooohhhh kay.
you must have missed pics of him in #20, and the part where he said he was "living the dream."
he has been chanting "boomer sooner" for far longer than you are choosing to remember. i saw it as he was very gracious in his win and might not have expected it.
I'm not saying he was unhappy to win or unhappy to be sooner or anything else. I'm sure it was a dream come true! I just thought that some guy yelling 'boomer' over and over again at that moment was a bit embarrassing. I thought the way everyone (including Bradford and the other ou folks there) in that hall responded reflected that. The Heisman is a special thing and you have all those guys lined up there going back to those who won it in the 50's and one bozo yelling a cheer like it's some sort of pep rally...