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And all the KSU players are too busy ****ing Texas to even notice those girls.
Did you see the two ksu fans that missed the highfive?
And all the KSU players are too busy ****ing Texas to even notice those girls.
:lol::lol::lol::lol:Every girl they show is non-doable.
Did you see the two ksu fans that missed the highfive?
That is the worst chant evar.
"You can't do that" on the roughing the kicker play.
That's not even the worst chant they do at KjSU. EMAW is much worse. And stranger.
a mysterious word used by Kansas State fans. the origin and meaning of the word is unclear, but it is said to be an acronym for "egregious malevolent artistic Worcestershire."
"Man, I was in Aggieville last night and everyone down there was totally EMAW."
Yesterday sucked. The CU thing, the Texas thing. And I hit a perfect 5-wood on number 18 headed for the green in two, and it hit the one tree branch on the entire hole, then lost the ball.
**** everything
Texas in last place in the Big 12 South. Who would have thought.
And you still couldn't beat them:smile2:
Who cares, we beat KSU, so no matter what who ever would've won the game between KSUcks and Texass, it helps us with the computers. Good job against Kansas.................
Well, at least KjSU knows how to protect a 24 POINT HALFTIME LEAD!
Hey, GiA...where'd you play yesterday?
Thanks we're so awesome! We were just a couple plays away. We're about ready to pop! We just have to cinch it up and bring our lunch pails for ISU now!
Texas in last place in the Big 12 South. Who would have thought.