Recruits won't see him as a lame duck, they'll see him as the guy who recruited them, believed in their talent, and who is leading them to a NC.
what exactly does NC stand for here?:wow:
If I have any pro potential, I get the hell out of Boulder ASAP. Of course, few (if any) of Danny's recruits have pro potential.
Need another category. Forever supporter of CU, but totally against current administration.
Please elaborate doosh face.:stupid:
You are the type of fan driving the decision to retain Hawkins. DiStefano knows you and others will mindlessly support the program with your $ no matter what they decide. They insultingly think our fan base is full of droolers like you and it appears they're right. The only thing they understand is $ support and the only way to effect change is to pull that plug. So much for the Ivy of the Rockies; our fans are too dumb to force a change.
It appears that DeStifano simply undercut Bohn.
Really, that's unacceptable.
I'm just curious if Bohn will stick around? If his decision was truly overturned, why would he want to remain in the AD position? Apparently DiStefano thinks he can do a better job..![]()
This year: yes
Next year: no
I'll go support CU at the Cal game where CU won't get a single cent of my money.
What is Hawkins was not hired to win football games per say. Something like this:
A. Clean up the program
B. Raise the GPA
C. Get good kids in here that want to be here
D. Maintain good citizens on the team
E. Win football games
Hawk goes in to DiStefano and says, I did A-D and will take care of E next season. You cant fire me...I did my job.
This is closer to the truth then it is to fiction. Instead of yelling mad at Bohn, it needs to be directed at the University as a whole. They don't care about winning football or any program for that matter. They are to worried about trying to keep up the appearance of the "Stanford of the rocky mountains" or believing that CU is the same as Vanderbilt etc.
What a load.
People. This is, if he stays, as much to do about economics as anything. Its easy for us to play Monopoly with CU's money, but we can't. So try to understand the obsticles that the AD has to deal with and relax. It is easy to get pissed off and take your ball and go home. But it isn't fair. For a while I thought that, indeed, some donor stepped up. But I'm pretty sure that isn't true. CU had no choice. Also, don't pull the, "Well, this will cost them a ton of money" BS. That is a poor economic argument.
I've gone back and forth so much on this. But right now, I don't think there is a better option, so yes, I do. Now, if T. Buff Kickens came here and donated $150 million, than I'd be all for a change.
Not absolutely. I'm just not sure what recourse they have. They are paying off a $3 million loan on Barnett. Buying out Hawkins would add another $3.5 million. The economy is in the tank. They can't afford a big name, so would have to gamble on a no name. I can't believe you don't understand that. Stop making me the villian.**** OFF and quit trying to tell people how to feel or react. He would be fired everywhere else. Fowler and people say we have the money. It's the chicken **** administration butting in and they no longer care if cu wins or not. You obviously agree with them.
**** OFF and quit trying to tell people how to feel or react. He would be fired everywhere else. Fowler and people say we have the money. It's the chicken **** administration butting in and they no longer care if cu wins or not. You obviously agree with them.
Not absolutely. I'm just not sure what recourse they have. They are paying off a $3 million loan on Barnett. The economy is in the tank. They can't afford a big name, so would have to gamble on a no name. I can't believe you don't understand that. Stop making me the villian.
It has everything to do about money. Give me a break.:yeahthat:
DBT you are lost.. This had nothing to do with money.. It was about Distefano overstepping our AD to keep this clown coach..
Go ahead and support him all you want, but don't try to make other people who have a clue to support Talkins.
Which makes this all the more frustrating. We've all seen the schedule for next year, it's brutal. I see no way hawk pulls a winning season out of his ***, which means we'll be going through this same song and dance next year. Why not just cut the cord now....No matter, after he has another losing season in 2010 he's gone.