Re: Dan Hawkins Show on 850 KOA right now
Canacky game? Have you been coaching them to play this way all season? Is this, as you would say, "outside the box"?
1. Teams get only 4 downs to score. There are no first downs in canacky.
2. In those 4 downs, players may run or pass the ball at anytime and at any place on the field until a touchdown is scored.
3. All kickoffs begin at the midfield cones. The ball must be kicked in some fashion. Offsides on the kickoff will result in a penalty. Kicking the ball out of bounds untouched on the kick-off will result in a penalty.
4. There are no onside kicks in canacky. You must give the receiving team an opportunity to run the ball back. Defense may not touch the ball on the kickoffs.
5. Players may throw the ball laterally, forward. Sideways etc.
6. Play continues until there is an incomplete pass, fumble, touchdown, safety or a dropped ball on the snap to the QB. Once the ball hits the ground, it is a dead ball. No fumbles in canacky.
7. Defense must 2 hand touch the player with the ball usually on the upper back (students are to appropriate as to where they place there hands on the offensive player).
8. The line of scrimmage is marked from where the passer threw the incomplete pass. It is not where the passer ends up after he throws the ball. Defensive players need to be cognizant of where the ball was thrown.
9. When a touchdown is scored, the offensive team must attempt the (pat) point(s) after touchdown. If the team is going for 1 PAT, the ball is placed on the 5 yard line. If the team is going for 2 PAT, the ball is placed on the 10 yard line. The offensive team must throw the ball forward at least one time behind the line of scrimmage. After that, players can run or pass the ball until they either score or fail to score. If the defensive team intercepts the PAT, they can run or pass the ball to his teammates until a player scores in his end zone. Players on defense cannot automatically give points freely to the offensive team. If this happens, the offensive team is awarded 4 points and the defensive team players lose 10 points off their grade.
10. No fumbles in canacky. Once the ball hits the ground it is dead. The only exception to this rule is on punts and kickoffs. The ball is live and may be picked up off the ground. If you drop the ball in an attempt to pick it up, the result would be a dead ball.
11. Everyone is eligible to catch a pass.
12. The team who scores walks to midfield and kicks the ball off. The receiving team stays at the end zone they just defended.
13. End zones go forever. However players must stay inside the sideline boundaries marked with cones or they are considered out of bounds.
14. On 4th down, the offensive team must tell the defensive team if they are punting or going for it. There are no fake punts. It is a free kick and the defensive team cannot rush the punter. The punter has 3 seconds to punt the ball. He may not delay in order to allow his team to run down the field and defend.
15. There is no straight arming or pushing arms away to avoid being tagged.
16. On an incomplete lateral (backwards) pass , the line of scrimmage is where the ball hits the ground, not where the pass was thrown from.
17. If players, either on offense or defense are offsides, it is a 5 yard penalty. Players must wait until the ball is snapped from the center position before they rush in. It is not when the QB says hike, it is when the ball is snapped. Teams can refuse the penalty if the outcome of the play is favorable.
18. There is to be absolutely no rough play during the game. This includes pushing, blocking in the back, tripping, kicking, tackling, etc. The result of this penalty is 10 yards and a loss of points.
19. The defensive team must yell out "one alligator, two alligator, 3 alligator 4 alligator go" before rushing in on three out of the 4 downs. One blitz is allowed where no counting is necessary. If a team has one more player than the other team, they may not blitz the entire games and must count the 4 alligators. Do not penetrate until you complete 4 alligators "go".
20. If an incomplete pass is thrown from the offensive team's end zone it is a safety. The defensive team is awarded 2 points and will receive the kickoff.
21. You may not delay the game. The offensive team has 30 seconds to get play off. Defensive team can start counting at the end of the previous play. (1-1000- 2 -1000-3 1000-4-1000 and so on up to 30.) Inability to do so will result in a 5 yard penalty.
22. If you slip and fall and your knee or body hits the ground, you are down.
23. When punts or kickoffs go into the end zone, players must put a knee down if they decide not to run the ball out or pass the ball out. If the defensive team touches you in the end zone without you putting your knee down, it is a safety and the defensive team is awarded 2 points. If the offensive player puts his knee down then it is a touch-back and the ball is placed on the 10 yard line.
24. There is no stripping the ball from the offensive player. Penalty for this infraction is 10 yards.
25. The defensive team only has 10 seconds to line up. Offensive team must count out loud "(1-1000 2-1000-3-1000 and so on up to 10.)" After counting to 10, the offensive team may proceed with thier play.
26. If the game ends in a tie at the end of the day sudden death will be initiated. Each team has 2 chances to break the tie. The ball is placed on the 10 yard line. The offensive team can run or pass in order to score. It is not like the PAT where you must pass it forward once behind the line of scrimmage. Each team gets equal number of opportunities. If one team scores on the first round of the sudden death and the other team fails to score the game is over. If both teams are still tied after 2 opportunities, both teams will get a win. No blitzing on the sudden death. Must count the 4 alligators.
27. No blitzing on the PAT's. The defensive team must count the 4 alligators. This is because the offensive team must pass it behind the line of scrimmage.
28. After each play the ball needs to be placed in middle of the field. This will give you more room to run and pass.
29. The team with the worst record will receive the kickoff to begin the game.
30. Only two players can blitz on that particular play the defense chooses to blitz on.
31. No center sneaks.
32. If the ball is dropped in the endzone in an attempt to catch it on the kick-off or punts, it is a touchback. The ball is placed on the 10 yard line. This is not a safety.